bayleeadamoss / zazu-file-finder

A file finder for Zazu.
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Fixed Linux app finder #13

Closed JeroenBoersma closed 7 years ago

JeroenBoersma commented 7 years ago

Today I started using zazu, I've found a lot of errors starting software like Nylas or Franz. After investigating I did some updates.

Will create a new repo for application specific implementation(~/.local/share/applications etc)

bayleedev commented 7 years ago

Wow, thank you so much for the pull request. I'll try this out and see if it works technically.

@amjith do you mind validating the approach is correct?

cecoates commented 7 years ago


For funsies I made the same changes as in your pull request. Pretty cool! I was able to launch most programs (except Invisible Inc. for some reason).

However, the search felt noticeably slower, and the log is full of "X11/X11/X11/X11". Should that be happening?

I also noticed that by default, a lot of games will have random files marked as executable, like .txt files or map files. So those will come up in the search and create a lot of noise (maybe that's the slowdown?) Is it possible to filter those out?

Log with the pull request changes:

zazu.log (copy).2017-01-11.txt

I deleted the file-finder directory and tried again, and the searches were slightly faster, but Zazu could no longer launch games like Transistor or Stardew Valley.

Log with the vanilla file-finder:

zazu.log (another copy).2017-01-11.txt

JeroenBoersma commented 7 years ago

@cecoates I'll add a recursionchecker for that nasty X11 error(I've removed that symlink on my filesystem) I think stat can say something about that...

Games is not yet in the appPath, will investigate further...

JeroenBoersma commented 7 years ago


JeroenBoersma commented 7 years ago

fixed for filefinder too - oops for testing

bayleedev commented 7 years ago

This is awesome. I'll review this tonight when I get home.

cecoates commented 7 years ago

Very cool!

Gave it a try, and adding directories via the zazurc.json works great.

screenshot from 2017-01-11 19-04-43

One odd thing, has anyone noticed that the log will say something like:

ERROR: [19:28:30] [tinytacoteam/zazu-file-finder :openApp] User Script failed { "block": "openApp", "level": "error", "message": "User Script failed", "plugin": "tinytacoteam/zazu-file-finder", "value": "/usr/bin/google-chrome-stable", "time": "2017-01-12T01:28:30.800Z" }

Even when the app launches correctly? It does that in both versions (with Jeroen's changes and without).

bayleedev commented 7 years ago

Love this [:

bayleedev commented 7 years ago

I updated the installation instructions as well.

JeroenBoersma commented 7 years ago

Great, the error is because we reject the chain. Otherwise it would be forwarded to the open command.