bbatsov / clojure-style-guide

A community coding style guide for the Clojure programming language
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heading, top-level, and trailing comments #29

Open uvtc opened 11 years ago

uvtc commented 11 years ago

Re. "The only comments in which omission of a space between the semicolon and the text is acceptable are margin comments."

Leaving out the space there looks bad, IMO. I don't think that should be in the style guide.

Also, where does the tradition of triple and quadruple semicolons come from? Is that from Elisp? The only Clojure project I know of that reads comments --- and does something with them --- is Marginalia. AFAIK, it treats full-line comments as markdown input, and uses the double-semicolon throughout. For example, see .

If anything, I'd recommend that comments be written in such a way as to be correctly renderable by Marginalia (I haven't looked into how it handles triple and quad semicolons).

uvtc commented 11 years ago

Incidentally, and related to this topic: where you, for example, have

;;; object creation
;; good
(java.util.ArrayList. 100)

;; bad
(new java.util.ArrayList 100)

;;; static method invocation
;; good
(Math/pow 2 10)

;; bad
(. Math pow 2 10)

I'd be tempted to make that:

;; ## object creation
;; good
(java.util.ArrayList. 100)

;; bad
(new java.util.ArrayList 100)

;; ## static method invocation
;; good
(Math/pow 2 10)

;; bad
(. Math pow 2 10)

such that "object creation" and "static method invocation" now look more like (H2) headings (both to the reader, and to the marginalia parser). :)

bbatsov commented 11 years ago

The tradition dates back to Scheme AFAIK and is considered the facto standard in every Lisp. The margin exception rule is pretty common and I basically copied it from the Scheme style guide, but I dislike it as well and I'll probably remove it soon. I do like the triple and quadruple comments - they carry semantic information and that's not a bad thing.

uvtc commented 11 years ago

The tradition dates back to Scheme AFAIK and is considered the facto standard in every Lisp.

My guess is, that tradition may be changing with Clojure (just my 2 cents). I very much like the idea having comments in markdown. This way, if I'm away from some code for weeks/months, and want to quickly come to terms with it, I can have Marginalia process it and read through nicely-rendered (as html) comments side-by-side with the code. (Likewise, if I'm learning my way around someone else's code.)

If there were another popular tool like Marginalia which maybe rendered ";;; foo" ---> <h2>foo</h2>, ";;;; foo" --> <h1>foo</h1>, I could imagine the repeated semicolon syntax maybe being useful, but it's still problematic:

Seems to me markdown is preferable to that. And also, many folks generally use some markdown in comments already (italics and code, for example).