The biblatex-nejm
package provides only a formated numeric style of the package
biblatex. The design based on the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM).
is available on CTAN here:
Please submit all feedback, issues, and pull requests to the GitHub repo:
was originally created by Marco Daniel.
A full list of contributors to this repository is available here.
version 0.6.0
- update documentation
- bug fixes
- spelling fixes
- moved package to BCBI
version 0.5.0
- compatibility with newer biblatex releases
- bug fixes
version 0.4.0
- changed formating of date -- only year is printed
- added option printlang
version 0.3.0
- changed required cite style of biblatex to numeric-comp
- changed required bibliography style of biblatex to standard
- added option sorting=none as standard
- added new option articledoi (true or false) to print the doi of type article (default=false)
- added new option articlein (true or false) to print "in" of type article (default=false)
- execute option isbn=false
version 0.2.0
version 0.1.0