I have this code to generate CSR ECDSA and it works fine, but I want to add these Alternative names to the CSR but don't know how to do it:
This is the code I am using in C# which can generate CSR and it works:
static AsymmetricCipherKeyPair GeneratePkcs8Pkcs10(string countryIso2Characters, string state, string city, string companyName, string division, string domainName, string email, RootLenght rootLength)
string csr = null;
var curve = ECNamedCurveTable.GetByName("secp256k1");
var domainParams = new ECDomainParameters(curve.Curve, curve.G, curve.N, curve.H, curve.GetSeed());
var secureRandom = new SecureRandom();
var keyParams = new ECKeyGenerationParameters(domainParams, secureRandom);
var generator = new ECKeyPairGenerator("ECDSA");
AsymmetricCipherKeyPair Pair = generator.GenerateKeyPair();
var cGenerator = new X509V3CertificateGenerator();
IDictionary attrs = new Hashtable();
attrs.Add(X509Name.C, countryIso2Characters);
attrs.Add(X509Name.L, city);
attrs.Add(X509Name.ST, state);
attrs.Add(X509Name.O, companyName);
if (division != null)
attrs.Add(X509Name.OU, division);
attrs.Add(X509Name.CN, domainName);
if (email != null)
attrs.Add(X509Name.EmailAddress, email);
var subject = new X509Name(new ArrayList(attrs.Keys), attrs);
var pkcs10CertificationRequest = new Pkcs10CertificationRequest(X9ObjectIdentifiers.ECDsaWithSha256.Id, subject, Pair.Public, null, Pair.Private);
csr = Convert.ToBase64String(pkcs10CertificationRequest.GetEncoded());
var privateKey = Pair.Private as ECPrivateKeyParameters;
var pkInfo = PrivateKeyInfoFactory.CreatePrivateKeyInfo(Pair.Private);
string privateKeyB64 = Convert.ToBase64String(pkInfo.GetDerEncoded());
Console.WriteLine($"Private key: {privateKeyB64}");
Console.WriteLine("-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----");
Console.WriteLine(SpliceText(csr, 64));
Console.WriteLine("-----END CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----");
ertificate Signing Request succesfully generated.");
return Pair;
the Alternate Names want to add
SN=334623324234325, UID=310122393500003, title=0000, registeredAddress=Sample E, businessCategory=Sample Bussiness
and also add extension:
certificateTemplateName = ASN1:PRINTABLESTRING:ZATCA-Code-Signing
subjectAltName = dirName:alt_names
I have this code to generate CSR ECDSA and it works fine, but I want to add these Alternative names to the CSR but don't know how to do it:
This is the code I am using in C# which can generate
and it works:the
Alternate Names
want to add SN=334623324234325, UID=310122393500003, title=0000, registeredAddress=Sample E, businessCategory=Sample Bussiness and also add extension: [req_ext] certificateTemplateName = ASN1:PRINTABLESTRING:ZATCA-Code-Signing subjectAltName = dirName:alt_names