bcgov / MFIN-Data-Catalogue

The Finance Data Catalogue enables users to discover data holdings at the BC Ministry of Finance and offers information and functionality that benefits consumers of data for business purposes. The product is built using Drupal and adheres to the Government of BC's Core Metadata Standard.
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"My" version of reports #510

Open danhgov opened 1 week ago

danhgov commented 1 week ago

Currently, the Dashboard is all user-centric, except for the Reports:

To me, the reports are particularly weird, because they show up at /user/<user_id>/reports, with a unique URL following this pattern, one for each user... and yet it's the exact same report that it presented for each user.

It would be nice if there were also a "my" version of the Reports, that pertain to just the records that this user has created or is responsible for:


This would be also handy for admins, because you could look at the Reports tab for any given user, to see lots of great statistics about that user's contributions.

(Correction: It's the exact same report for each user who has the same permissions. I believe the reports are statistics about the data that the logged in user is allowed to see. When you're logged in as admin, you'll see the same stats on every users' reports page... but if you log in as one of those users, you'll see smaller numbers on those same report pages, as most users are limited in which records they can see.)

chrislaick commented 5 days ago

I second this. I also got confused about seeing Site metrics housed under a user's page.

NicoledeGreef commented 5 days ago

I do think we should explore this further. The across-the-board view currently shown under Metadata metrics was originally something conceived with Catalogue admin users in mind; originally intended for Admins that have visibility across all Orgs.

I think it would be great to make Metadata metrics only available to Catalogue admin users and then add My screens and perhaps My Org views of the same for Catalogue editors and Catalogue manager users.

NicoledeGreef commented 5 days ago

If I view Metadata metrics as an Catalogue admin user versus a Catalogue user, I currently see the same overview stats but different pie charts. This is part of why I think it makes sense to have Admin vs. My/My Org views: image