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Evaluate existing advanced routing algorithms #321

Closed mraross closed 6 years ago

mraross commented 6 years ago
  1. Evaluate existing algorithms that support dynamic and time-dependent route planning with user preferences and make a recommendation.

  2. Evaluate existing timetable-based routing algorithms to support ferry routing and make a recommendation.

  3. Determine how to best integrate recommended algorithms.

  4. Write up findings and recommendations in an Advanced Routing Algorithm Evaluation document

Some algorithm references can be found in

mraross commented 6 years ago

Issue moved to bcgov/ols-router #2 via ZenHub

mraross commented 6 years ago

Issue moved to bcgov/ols-router #4 via ZenHub

mraross commented 6 years ago

Issue moved to bcgov/ols-router #24 via ZenHub