[x] 1. First, the new user is to go to github.com to register their account (using all lower-case for their name if it's a new account)
[x] 2. Next, the new user is to verify that 2 factor authentication is enabled
[x] 3. Once the account creation and 2fa are completed, add an SRE and Priority label to this ticket
[ ] 4. Comment on this ticket to indicate which project /team/product does this member need and move this ticket to the Priority pipeline on the SRE board
[ ] New user to download the RochatChat App and follow the instructions to Register a new account. (IT Operations Support will assign requests for access to the Business Registry to Relationships BA's (Melissa and Amit))
Meeting Invitations
[ ] The new team member has been invited to all of the required scrum team meetings and ceremonies by the team Scrum Master
[ ] The new team member has been invited to all of the cross-team events by the Release Train Engineer (sprint demo, dev tech demo)
Business Context
[ ] The new team member has been informed of the Team Vacation Calendar and have added their name to it
[ ] Set up meeting for business context knowledge transfer
Onboarding checklist for new team members
GitHub & ZenHub
github username: ethantspitt
Meeting Invitations
Business Context
OpenShift NameSpace Access
Google Drive Access for Knowledge Sharing Videos
Ops Team Onboarding