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As a Sys / HR Admin I want to see basic reporting information within the app #436

Closed Travis-A-Clark closed 2 years ago

Travis-A-Clark commented 2 years ago

The MVP reporting functionality for pilot launch will include:

I've attached an Excel spreadsheet with a tab for each. The general concept is a high level graphic that summarizes the particular data set for the group of employees that the Sys / HR Admin has access to with the ability to export the underlying data if they want to see individual rows in Excel. I don't think this actually requires much more than we're already doing for the My Team view of the employees. We just need to roll it up into a graphic.

See attached.

phoebesolomon commented 2 years ago

Goals Summary:

HR Admin - Statistics and Reports _ Goal Summary.jpg

Conversations Summary:

HR Admin - Statistics and Reports _ Conversations Summary.jpg

Shared Employees Summary:

HR Admin - Statistics and Reports _ Shared Summary.jpg

Excused Employees Summary:

HR Admin - Statistics and Reports _ Excused Summary.jpg

Travis-A-Clark commented 2 years ago

@phoebesolomon This looks great! Thanks for the quick turnaround. I'll re-assign to KK for his dev estimate.

Kousthubha-M commented 2 years ago

@telusdcinco Hi Dennis. Please find the URLs' to the chart plugin and export to pdf

jp-Telus commented 2 years ago

Per the attached spreadsheet, the first 2 tabs were developed and also deployed on DEV region for review.

In DEV region, I granted 'hr admin' role to"", and so that he can review the goals and conversation statistcis charts.

command run in tinker: User::find(10)->assignRole('hr admin');


Travis-A-Clark commented 2 years ago

Updates to Goal Summary

Updates to Conversations Summary

jp-Telus commented 2 years ago

Work done

  1. Another 2 tabs were added for Shared Employees and Excused Employees Summary
  2. change the "Goal" and "Conversation" export columns per requirement
  3. fix typo on the exporte file name
  4. Rewrite the logic for the conversation due per requirements.

Code changes pushed to Repo. and will be deployed on next schedule depolyment.

Thank you.

Travis-A-Clark commented 2 years ago

@jp-Telus Thanks for this! Is there any way we can change the column headers Program, Division, Branch to Level 1, Level 2, Level 3?


jp-Telus commented 2 years ago

Development completed and ready for deployment

Migration Step after the deployment:

  1. php asrtian migrate
  2. clear up the sync user profile job history - by SQL : delete from job_sched_audit jsa where job_name = 'command:SyncUserProfiles';
  3. php asrtian command:syncUserProfile

Work done.

  1. Due to performance issue, the new set of the Statistics and Reporting pages were developed for System administrator
  2. The title on the excel report were fixed
  3. New business logic added in HR Admin reporting, only the employee were defined in the admin_orgs table.
  4. Fixed some minor business logic issues in conversation summary.
  5. New 2 fields (employee_id and empl_record) added in Users table.

Thank you.

Travis-A-Clark commented 2 years ago

@jp-Telus Could we add an organization filter to the top of each reporting page (see below for example) for both HR Admin and Sys Admin?

Could we also add a bar chart to the Goals Summary page below the four pie charts called "Active Goal Tags" that is a count of how many times each type of goal tag has been used? It would include No Tag, as well as one column for each of the goal tags available.
Something simple like this where each column is one of the goal tags: image.png

jp-Telus commented 2 years ago

Per new requirements, here is the work done and deployed on DEV

  1. the organization filter on HR admin and Sys admin. only the authorized organization are limit to select on the filter under HR admin page.
  2. New chart "Active Goal Tags" added for both HRadmin and Sysadmin


Travis-A-Clark commented 2 years ago

@jp-Telus This looks really good. Thanks! Three things:

1) I still get a "504 error - gateway timed out" most of the time in the Dev environment. Can we push this to Prod so that I can see how it reacts with the better server and memory space there? The version that is in Prod currently only shows 58 users in the Sys Admin view of Statistics and Reports and it doesn't have the Goal Tags element.

2) The labels for your filters say Organization, Program, Division, Branch, etc. Can we please update these to Organization, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4.

3) Can we add the ability to download an Excel or CSV file for the goal tags chart like we do for the others? Each row would have the usual employee ID, name, org, level 1, 2, 3, 4 and then a column for each tag with a count under each for that employee.

jp-Telus commented 2 years ago


The following three request item are done

  1. tested on DEV region on Monday (July 11, 2022), no more "504 error - gateway timed out" for multiple requests, it could be related to memory resource on DEV region. On the other hand, there are more employee showed on Production regions now after ran the command:syncUserProfiles, more then 38,000 employee will showed on the Statistics and Reporting page. It is ready for your testing.

2) The labels for your filters say Organization, Program, Division, Branch, etc. were changed to Organization, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3, Level 4.

3) The "download an Excel or CSV file" for the goal tags chart are completed and ready for your testing.

Thank you.

Travis-A-Clark commented 2 years ago

@jp-Telus This looks great! Haven't had a 504 error yet this morning. All good.

One final small change. The drop down menus below the Org, level 1, level 2, etc still say select program, select division, etc. (see below). Can you please also change these to select level 1, select level 2, etc.

Travis-A-Clark commented 2 years ago

@jp-Telus Can you apply the same fixes to the HR Admin > Statistics and Reporting view as well? Whatever you did to optimize the Sys Admin > Statistics and Reporting view. I am still getting 504 errors in HR Admin view. Thanks!