As a Forecaster/RWCO I want the ability to respond to weather station network challenges in the HFI product So That if a station goes down, and particularly if a technician can't address it quickly, I can ensure the HFI product is still functional with enough data
Additional Context
requirement: clarity to all users that a station has gone down or isn't behaving as expected (error state)
request: notification system — email notification when certain actions/states/criteria are met
a forecaster is probably the first person to notice a station is down in their FC
a forecaster may manually enter estimated forecast data in WFWX to override the station, they may send a human out (fly/drive) for a manual reading
OR a decision may be made (never in isolation) between Plans, RWCO, Forecaster, maybe ZWCO for local context, on when/why to swap in a replacement station — RWCO has decision accountability
only if there are representative stations available for replacement: easier in dense FCs, harder in remote areas with less stations
note: prep stations are given high priority for repair
when such a decision is made: there is a request for accountability clarity.
Who made the change, and why
this would be referred to as a "guest station" why? station error, guest criteria: high elevation
guest stations are temporary and need to be removed when the original station is repaired - they should be labelled as a guest
swapping stations will vary by FC - some are densely populated with neighbouring weather stations, others wouldn't have a suitable replacement and would have to be omitted in prep
As a Forecaster/RWCO I want the ability to respond to weather station network challenges in the HFI product So That if a station goes down, and particularly if a technician can't address it quickly, I can ensure the HFI product is still functional with enough data
Additional Context
when such a decision is made: there is a request for accountability clarity.
Started a Figma concept riffing off forecaster chat
Acceptance Criteria
Definition of Done