bchanudet / OctoPrint-Octorant

Discord plugin for OctoPrint
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URL Snapshot in Motion? #24

Open carlymx opened 6 years ago

carlymx commented 6 years ago



First of all, Magnifico addon, keep it up.

I use Motion to manage my USB camera for Octoprint without problems. Now I want to add the snapshot that is saved by default in /var/lib/motion/lastsnap.jpg and I do not know how to get it because I can not find (if any) a route to that snapshot. 8081/0 shows the image in Streaming and is not valid. 8080/0 you access the WebControl and it is not valid either.

One thing I tried unsuccessfully (I do not know why) is to send the snapshot to a directory where Octoprint takes the images for example ./Static/img/ if I visualize the full URL in the browser for example we visualize the image perfectly but when adding it to the Snapshots section of the Octoprint it gives an error, but in the Stream URL section it works.

You can help me, any solution would be worth it.

ESP.(Original) Hola.

Antes de nada, Magnifico addon, sigan así.

Uso Motion para gestionar mi cámara USB para Octoprint sin problemas. Ahora quiero agregar la instantánea que se guarda por defecto en /var/lib/motion/lastsnap.jpg y no se como conseguirlo por que no encuentro (en caso de existir) una ruta a esa snapshot. muestra la imagen en Streaming y no vale. accedes a la WebControl y tampoco vale.

Una cosa que he intentado sin éxito (no se por que) es enviar la snapshot a un directorio donde Octoprint coja las imágenes por ejemplo ./static/img/ si visualizo la URL completa en en navegador por ejemplo visualizamos perfectamente la imagen pero al añadirla al apartado Snapshots del Octoprint da error, pero en el apartado Stream URL funciona.

Pueden ayudarme, cualquier solución me valdría.

2018-04-27 8

cameroncros commented 6 years ago

This thread has some information on how to get a single image served up by motion:


Might be the easiest option? Alternatively, OctoRant could be changed to read the file from the disk, but I dunno how useful that would be though.

OctopusProteins commented 5 years ago

Sorry, ID number referencing a different commit.

megasaturnv commented 5 years ago

Saw this issue and if it helps anyone, here's a gist I made a while ago in PHP to output a snapshot from a motion stream (Or any mjpeg stream if setup correctly). Quite a nice solution as it doesn't require any temporary files or proxying. https://gist.github.com/megasaturnv/81279fca49f2f34b42e77815c9bb1eb8

There's also a slightly different version which puts the snapshot in an \<img> tag. https://gist.github.com/megasaturnv/35578337662acd28e0bcd2946a4b069e

donbarthel commented 4 years ago

I have the same issue, streaming from Motion works but snapshots do not. It would be good if the snapshot URL could be a path instead since Motion and OctoPrint are running on the same Pi.

meteozond commented 3 years ago

Another approach with nginx content_by_lua https://gist.github.com/meteozond/b2c07c850fdcc7f41ec065756ccfb2e0

van-ant commented 2 years ago

here is a quick and dirty solution that works.(well not so quick, havent done any programming for a while) copy the attached file run it with python3 socket_server.py

set the timelapse url in octoprint to

bingo! socket_server.zip

zackfuchtel commented 1 year ago

here is a quick and dirty solution that works.(well not so quick, havent done any programming for a while) copy the attached file run it with python3 socket_server.py

set the timelapse url in octoprint to

bingo! socket_server.zip

Thank you.

Enoril commented 1 year ago

You can use {IP}:{port0}/{camid}/current and obtain the image needed for the time-lapse Or /source if you don't want the bottom left & right texts

cf the documentation

    {IP}:{port0}/{camid}/stream Primary stream for the camera
    {IP}:{port0}/{camid}/source Source image from the camera
    {IP}:{port0}/{camid}/current Static JPG for the camera