Closed t0mpl closed 4 years ago
With the old version, one needed to clone the three repos and have them in the include path. In dev, and in the last prerelease which should be stable and is nearing the v2.0 release one can use cmake's fetchcontent or do an install of the library. I would recommend using the v1.9.2. linked above as it's only deficiency compared to the v1 is the documentation isn't fully updated. It does include an extensive set of test/example files in tests though.
If you want v2. and the prerelease for the way to include in your cmake project is to
include( FetchContent )
GIT_TAG v1.9.2
then in your target_link_libraries it's just
target_link_libraries( MyTarget daw::json_link )
And the include paths would be set for everything needed and cmake will pull in the dependencies needed
The release branch is now at v2. So the above instructions can be
include( FetchContent )
then in your target_link_libraries it's just
target_link_libraries( MyTarget daw::json_link )
@beached Couldnt expect a better answer, thank you.
FYI, When installing it, it seemed that Cmake was by default looking for master branch.
include( FetchContent ) FetchContent_Declare( daw_json_link GIT_REPOSITORY GIT_TAG release ) FetchContent_MakeAvailable(daw_json_link)
specifying the branch helped.
Thanks, I'll update the docs. Too bad that cmake doesn't use the default branch.
Hi everyone, Sorry i'm quite new with C++ and i can't figure out how to install this library
i've tried
add_library(daw STATIC) target_include_directories(daw PUBLIC ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/external/daw) add_library(third_party STATIC) target_include_directories(third_party PUBLIC ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/external/third_party) target_link_libraries(${LIBRARY_NAME} PUBLIC doctest daw third_party)
but in my main.cpp i get this error when "make"
fatal error: daw/json/daw_json_link.h: No such file or directory 29 | #include "daw/json/daw_json_link.h"
Does anyone have any idea how to install it easily?