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Abhishek Shetty's GitHub Externship proposal #89

Open Sheldor-abhi opened 3 years ago

Sheldor-abhi commented 3 years ago

Github Externship Proposal


This is Abhishek Shetty's proposal for the GitHub externship.

About you

About your project

Project name: Home security system using bluetooth

Description: I would like to make a security system which checks the person's name at the entrance of a house/room using his/her bluetooth ID of their phones and if their ID is registered they would be allowed to enter the house/room and the owner would be notified via text/mail. If the person is not registered, their photo/video would be sent to the owner, and they may choose to give them a one time access/ register them or deny their entrance. Also if someone without access enters, the owner is notified with a live feed.


Provide a development timeline with a milestone week and any pre-work. (A realistic timeline is critical to our selection process.) Date Milestone
Week 1 Understand the RISC-V architecture
Week 2 Understanding the linux kernel implementation in this project
Week 3 and 4 Talking with mentors
Week 5-9 Start implementation of the project
Week 10-12 Finishing up and getting feedback from the mentors

The work for week 5-9 are as follows:

Bluetooth device trigerred action Setting up communication between the board and user's phone Working on a locking system which opens and closes on command Working on setting up a live video feed from the board to the user's phone

Experience and approach

I am currently pursuing Electronics and Instrumentation. I have experience using the arduino. I am experienced in Python and C. I have written code for pi-pi communication using python on my PC. The only thing I need help with is with developing linux kernels, as this board is a RISC-V based board unlike other ARM based boards. I need the guidance of the mentors, and will be learning about it online on my own as well.


If completed succesfully, this might provide a base for a more complex and effective security system at an affordable price.


I would really like to make this project, and with your organisation's help, my project could be more than I envisioned.

jadonk commented 3 years ago

How can this be more of a reusable software library?

Sheldor-abhi commented 3 years ago

What I am thinking is to implement a REST API framework for my project. So instead of sending the data(from the camera and bluetooth verification results) just to the user's phone it can be accessed by any client who requests it. So that they have an option to build on it, and I will implement the client side with an android app for notifying the user and adding new people with access.