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Curator Page: Mirror roles on BeatSaver more closely #87

Open TimothyGillespie opened 5 months ago

TimothyGillespie commented 5 months ago

Brought up by symphonic.

Currently, curators are marked as mappers, when they are verified mappers. When they are mappers, but are not verified they are, according to the website, not Mappers.

This task would be solved when:

The BeatSaver API that provides the curators does not provide map statistics, so another API call to BeatSaver may be necessary.

Note, that you can make a request for up to 50 users and don't need to an API call for every curator.

This may also be solved by providing the map statistics in the BeatSaver Curator API and using that data instead.

TimothyGillespie commented 5 months ago

The BeatSaver API for multiple IDs seems to not provide the map statistics. This might have to be changed on BeatSaver's site since ~40 requests on page load are a bit much.