INFO[0000] Bedrocktool Version 1.38.0-12 part=main
Available Commands:
blind-proxy raknet proxy
debug-proxy verbose debug packets
list-realms prints all realms you have access to
packs download resource packs from a server
capture capture packets in a pcap file
chat-log logs chat to a file
realm-address gets realms address
update self updates to latest version
skins download skins from players on a server
worlds download a world from a server
Use 'bedrocktool <command>' to run a command
Enter Server: play.inpvp.netINFO[0016] Connecting to
DEBU[0020] C->S 0xc1, packet.RequestNetworkSettings
DEBU[0020] S->C 0x8f, packet.NetworkSettings
DEBU[0020] C->S 0x01, packet.Login
DEBU[0021] S->C 0x03, packet.ServerToClientHandshake
DEBU[0021] C->S 0x04, packet.ClientToServerHandshake
DEBU[0021] S->C 0x02, packet.PlayStatus
DEBU[0021] C->S 0x81, packet.ClientCacheStatus
DEBU[0021] S->C 0x06, packet.ResourcePacksInfo
DEBU[0021] received remote pack infos part=ResourcePacks
DEBU[0021] C->S 0x08, packet.ResourcePackClientResponse
DEBU[0021] S->C 0x52, packet.ResourcePackDataInfo
DEBU[0021] C->S 0x54, packet.ResourcePackChunkRequest
DEBU[0022] S->C 0x52, packet.ResourcePackDataInfo
DEBU[0022] C->S 0x54, packet.ResourcePackChunkRequest
DEBU[0022] S->C 0x52, packet.ResourcePackDataInfo
DEBU[0022] C->S 0x54, packet.ResourcePackChunkRequest
DEBU[0022] S->C 0x52, packet.ResourcePackDataInfo
DEBU[0022] C->S 0x54, packet.ResourcePackChunkRequest
DEBU[0022] S->C 0x52, packet.ResourcePackDataInfo
DEBU[0022] C->S 0x54, packet.ResourcePackChunkRequest
DEBU[0022] S->C 0x52, packet.ResourcePackDataInfo
DEBU[0022] C->S 0x54, packet.ResourcePackChunkRequest
ERRO[0039] dial minecraft> use of closed network connection
INFO[0039] Press Enter to exit.
This error occurs when I try to download the resource pack of the server