beeware / briefcase

Tools to support converting a Python project into a standalone native application.
BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Program works fine in dev, but won't run when built as .app #589

Closed spencernewton closed 2 years ago

spencernewton commented 3 years ago

Describe the bug Hello to whoever may be reading this! I've encountered a bug that unfortunately has hindered my progress making a GUI for a script. I seem to run into this issue no matter what GUI toolkit I've tried to use to build a GUI, but using Toga, Briefcase, and Beware has gotten me the closest so far to a running app.

My GUI take Apple Card statements and imports them into the budgeting software Mint. The code can be found here, and under the /feature/GUI branch is everything currently working in dev but not when created.

The app takes some user input, writes it to a few .txt files in the source folders, and then calls/runs another pre-existing script to take the .txt file data and run a program with it. So far I have been able to get it all working when running in dev mode, no issues at all. However, when running it after briefcase create/build etc., the app/GUI itself works fine but when I click my button to run the script, it writes the data to the txt files, and then seemingly does not run the script, or tries to and crashes somehow/somewhere that I now cannot see.

Since it's packaged at that point, I have no console to see the error or have any way of knowing what is happening, and I'm not sure how to fix it. I assume it's some issue with a module in the import script that is getting called, but I don't understand enough about python to know why it would make a difference running in dev vs being an actual .app program (I'd love to know, clearly!)

In general, I'd like to be able to open a window showing a console output from the other script, like I can see when I run in dev mode, so one question is how I can do that because I have not figured out a way to show in the app what is happening in the background; I'd like to show the user a small text box showing where the process is at, but this would be doubly helpful to show any errors when running as a built app.

I have tried to follow instructions from #478 as that is the closest thing I can find, but it did not resolve the issue.

To Reproduce It's tough to reproduce without having a way to see the error; the only way I know it isn't working is, well, because no transactions get imported to my Mint account. However, if you download the code,

  1. Set up your virtual env
  2. briefcase dev it
  3. Click the Initial Set Up button
  4. Click Save Info and then close that window
  5. Click the Choose CSV Statement button, and choose the import.csv included with the code
  6. Click Import

If all is correct, the console log should give something like this:

DeprecationWarning: 'U' mode is deprecated
  csv_object = csv.reader(open(csv_name,'rU'))
HTTP/2 200 
content-type: text/xml;charset=UTF-8
server: Mint App
cache-control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate,
expires: 0
pragma: no-cache
x-mint-start: 1621393816526
x-mint-end: 1621393816527
content-language: en-US
strict-transport-security: max-age=16000000; includeSubDomains; preload;
x-xss-protection: 1;mode=block
vary: Accept-Encoding
content-encoding: gzip
date: Wed, 19 May 2021 03:10:16 GMT
content-length: 90
set-cookie: _exp_mintPN=10; Expires=Wed, 02-Jun-2021 03:10:16 GMT; Path=/; Secure; HttpOnly
set-cookie: MINTJSESSIONID=DD73AF20D76D9CE316DF3F164A265A0C-n1; Path=/; HttpOnly; Secure; HttpOnly
set-cookie: ROUTEID=.2P3KXKE6O10; path=/; Secure; HttpOnly
x-xss-protection: 1; mode=block
x-content-type-options: nosniff
x-frame-options: SAMEORIGIN

<error><code>1</code><description>Session has expired.</description><name></name><type></type></error>Transaction Date: 05/17/2021
Category ID: 502
Category Name: Medical
Amount: 30.0
Expense: true
CURL Request: curl -i -s -k -X POST '' -H 'Host:' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_14_6) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/81.0.4044.129 Safari/537.36' -H 'Accept: */*' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5' --compressed -H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' -H 'Referer:' -H 'Cookie: ' -H 'Connection: close'  --data 'cashTxnType=on&mtCheckNo=&=0&=0&=0&task=txnadd&txnId=%3A0&mtType=cash&mtAccount=&symbol=&note=&isInvestment=false&catId=502&category=Medical&merchant=MERCHANT&date=05/17/2021&amount=30.0&mtIsExpense=true&mtCashSplitPref=2&token='
CURL Response: 0


This means the script ran, and if the proper info was put in by the user it would have imported the single transaction to Mint. I have no way of seeing if this script is working properly after building it, and it seems it is not running since the app does not work when built.


Thanks if you took the time to read this. I've been struggling hard to understand why this isn't working and would really love to get it fixed and understand why it's not doing what it should!

freakboy3742 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the detailed bug report.

The good news is that the console output is available; it's just not on the console. All stdout/stderr content is piped to the macOS system logs. So - if you start (search for "console" on your Launchpad), then add a filter using the search box on the top right for the name of your app (e.g., if your app menu is "Hello World", use that as your filter text), you'll see all the stdout/stderr content for your app (plus a few other logs indicating app startup status, etc)

That will at least get you to the point where you can see any errors that are being raised. Hopefully from there we'll be able to narrow down a little further.

spencernewton commented 3 years ago

Ah thank you. I opened Console at one point because I figured thats where it was, but wasn't quite sure how to use it for this purpose. That being said, I did try that and haven't gotten anything meaningful (to me) as of yet. If I follow the process as above, I get something like this for all the logs.

I see near the top the typical message I'd get in the console in dev mode: Python is running, most likely things will work, etc., but everything else is gibberish to me. The last error messages I'm seeing are about accessing plugins? Not really sure what any of this could mean.

I don't even know if this is the proper way to post results like these, so if there's something else I can do, I'm happy to provide any other details.

default 09:32:53.155723-0400    loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport applicationReady:] | App: Apple Card to Mint, ready, updating active tracking timer
default 09:32:53.155762-0400    loginwindow -[ApplicationManager checkInAppContext:eventData:] | ApplicationManager: Checked in app : Apple Card to Mint
default 09:32:53.160813-0400    runningboardd   Acquiring assertion targeting [app<>:31168] from originator [daemon<>:333] with description <RBSAssertionDescriptor| "AE/Apple Card to Mint" ID:200-333-40789 target:31168 attributes:[
    <RBSDomainAttribute| domain:"" name:"LSNotification" sourceEnvironment:"(null)">
default 09:32:53.623166-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer /Applications/Apple Card to Mint UserWarning: rubicon.objc.ctypes_patch has only been tested with Python 3.4 through 3.8. You are using Python 3.9.4. Most likely things will work properly, but you may experience crashes if Python's internals have changed significantly.
default 09:32:53.623248-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer   warnings.warn(
default 09:32:53.851811-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer CHECKIN: pid=31168
default 09:32:53.856754-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer CHECKEDIN: pid=31168 asn=0x0-0x2fb2fb foreground=1
default 09:32:53.857635-0400    loginwindow -[ApplicationManager checkInAppContext:eventData:] | ApplicationManager: Checked in app : Apple Card to Mint Importer
default 09:32:53.859070-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer Received configuration update from daemon (initial)
default 09:32:53.860718-0400    tccd    AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=31168.1, attribution={requesting={identifier=<ID of InvalidCode>, pid=31168, auid=503, euid=503, binary_path=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint Card to Mint Importer}, },
default 09:32:53.864552-0400    tccd    AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=150.730, attribution={accessing={identifier=<ID of InvalidCode>, pid=31168, auid=503, euid=503, binary_path=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint Card to Mint Importer}, requesting={, pid=150, auid=88, euid=88, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer}, },
default 09:32:53.864619-0400    tccd    requestor:, pid=150, auid=88, euid=88, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer is checking access for accessor identifier=<ID of InvalidCode>, pid=31168, auid=503, euid=503, binary_path=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint Card to Mint Importer
default 09:32:53.869873-0400    lsd Non-fatal error enumerating at <private>, continuing: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “PlugIns” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSURL=PlugIns/ -- file:///Applications/, NSFilePath=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint, NSUnderlyingError=0x7ffc29e16e10 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
default 09:32:53.870541-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer FRONTLOGGING: version 1
default 09:32:53.870630-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer Registered, pid=31168 ASN=0x0,0x2fb2fb
default 09:32:53.872832-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer BringForward: pid=31168 asn=0x0-0x2fb2fb bringForward=1 foreground=1 uiElement=0 launchedByLS=1 modifiersCount=1 allDisabled=0
default 09:32:53.873064-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer BringFrontModifier: pid=31168 asn=0x0-0x2fb2fb Modifier 0 hideAfter=0 hideOthers=0 dontMakeFrontmost=0 mouseDown=0/0 seed=0/0
default 09:32:53.873215-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer BringForward: pid=31168 asn=0x0-0x2fb2fb
default 09:32:53.873291-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer SetFrontProcess: asn=0x0-0x2fb2fb options=0
default 09:32:53.878887-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer Current system appearance, (HLTB: 2), (SLS: 1)
default 09:32:53.882050-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer No persisted cache on this platform.
default 09:32:53.882900-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer Failed to copy the SysCfgDict MG key with error: 0
default 09:32:53.886189-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer Post-registration system appearance: (HLTB: 2)
default 09:32:53.908781-0400    lsd Non-fatal error enumerating at <private>, continuing: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “PlugIns” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSURL=PlugIns/ -- file:///Applications/, NSFilePath=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint, NSUnderlyingError=0x7ffc2b118c10 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
default 09:32:53.913969-0400    lsd Non-fatal error enumerating at <private>, continuing: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “PlugIns” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSURL=PlugIns/ -- file:///Applications/, NSFilePath=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint, NSUnderlyingError=0x7ffc29e2f260 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
default 09:32:53.939064-0400    lsd Non-fatal error enumerating at <private>, continuing: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “PlugIns” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSURL=PlugIns/ -- file:///Applications/, NSFilePath=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint, NSUnderlyingError=0x7ffc29c11cf0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
default 09:32:53.951531-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer NSApp cache appearance:
-NSRequiresAquaSystemAppearance: 0
-appearance: (null)
-effectiveAppearance: <NSCompositeAppearance: 0x600003e8b600
    "<NSDarkAquaAppearance: 0x600003e8b500>",
    "<NSSystemAppearance: 0x600003e92280>"
default 09:32:54.198343-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer Registering for test daemon availability notify post.
default 09:32:54.198527-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer notify_get_state check indicated test daemon not ready.
default 09:32:54.198674-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer notify_get_state check indicated test daemon not ready.
default 09:32:54.221966-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer SignalReady: pid=31168 asn=0x0-0x2fb2fb
default 09:32:54.222402-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer SIGNAL: pid=31168 asn=0x0x-0x3126011
default 09:32:54.232963-0400    tccd    -[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier com.example.applecardtomintimporter, type: 0: 0x7f89b452d0b0 at /Applications/Apple Card to Mint
default 09:32:54.237385-0400    lsd Non-fatal error enumerating at <private>, continuing: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “PlugIns” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSURL=PlugIns/ -- file:///Applications/, NSFilePath=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint, NSUnderlyingError=0x7ffc29f1e840 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
default 09:32:54.313749-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer SetFrontProcess: asn=0x0-0x2fb2fb options=1
default 09:32:55.507916-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer MTLDeviceArrayInitialize()
default 09:32:55.509330-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer +[MTLIOAccelDevice registerDevices]
default 09:32:55.514836-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer MTLIOAccelDevice plugin class name <private>
default 09:32:55.514869-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer MTLIOAccelDevice plugin device class (null)
default 09:32:55.514894-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer MTLIOAccelDevice fallback to principal class GFX10_MtlDevice
error   09:32:55.516976-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer MTLIOAccelDevice bad MetalPluginClassName property (null)
default 09:32:55.517011-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer MTLIOAccelDevice fallback to principal class MTLIGAccelDevice
error   09:32:55.518177-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer +[MTLIOAccelDevice registerDevices]: Zero Metal services found
default 09:32:55.518205-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer MTLDeviceArrayInitialize(): 2 Metal devices
default 09:32:55.676836-0400    tccd    -[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier com.example.applecardtomintimporter, type: 0: 0x7f89b5d25cf0 at /Applications/Apple Card to Mint
default 09:32:55.763000-0400    tccd    AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=31170.1, attribution={responsible={identifier=<ID of InvalidCode>, pid=31168, auid=503, euid=503, responsible_path=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint Card to Mint Importer, binary_path=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint Card to Mint Importer}, requesting={, pid=31170, auid=503, euid=503, binary_path=/System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/QuickLookUI.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/QuickLookUIService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/QuickLookUIService}, },
default 09:32:55.767148-0400    tccd    AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=150.732, attribution={responsible={identifier=<ID of InvalidCode>, pid=31168, auid=503, euid=503, responsible_path=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint Card to Mint Importer, binary_path=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint Card to Mint Importer}, accessing={, pid=31170, auid=503, euid=503, binary_path=/System/Library/Frameworks/Quartz.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/QuickLookUI.framework/Versions/A/XPCServices/QuickLookUIService.xpc/Contents/MacOS/QuickLookUIService}, requesting={, pid=150, auid=88, euid=88, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer}, },
default 09:32:55.771012-0400    lsd Non-fatal error enumerating at <private>, continuing: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “PlugIns” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSURL=PlugIns/ -- file:///Applications/, NSFilePath=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint, NSUnderlyingError=0x7ffc2b0202d0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
default 09:32:55.823019-0400    tccd    -[TCCDAccessIdentity staticCode]: static code for: identifier com.example.applecardtomintimporter, type: 0: 0x7f89b452d0b0 at /Applications/Apple Card to Mint
default 09:32:55.825650-0400    lsd Non-fatal error enumerating at <private>, continuing: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “PlugIns” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSURL=PlugIns/ -- file:///Applications/, NSFilePath=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint, NSUnderlyingError=0x7ffc2b604330 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
default 09:32:56.034208-0400    tccd    AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=98.382, attribution={responsible={identifier=<ID of InvalidCode>, pid=31168, auid=503, euid=503, responsible_path=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint Card to Mint Importer, binary_path=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint Card to Mint Importer}, accessing={, pid=31169, auid=503, euid=503, binary_path=/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/}, requesting={, pid=98, auid=0, euid=0, binary_path=/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mds}, },
default 09:32:56.034985-0400    tccd    AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=98.383, attribution={responsible={identifier=<ID of InvalidCode>, pid=31168, auid=503, euid=503, responsible_path=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint Card to Mint Importer, binary_path=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint Card to Mint Importer}, accessing={, pid=31169, auid=503, euid=503, binary_path=/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/}, requesting={, pid=98, auid=0, euid=0, binary_path=/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mds}, },
default 09:32:56.042825-0400    tccd    AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=98.384, attribution={responsible={identifier=<ID of InvalidCode>, pid=31168, auid=503, euid=503, responsible_path=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint Card to Mint Importer, binary_path=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint Card to Mint Importer}, accessing={, pid=31169, auid=503, euid=503, binary_path=/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/}, requesting={, pid=98, auid=0, euid=0, binary_path=/System/Library/Frameworks/CoreServices.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/Metadata.framework/Versions/A/Support/mds}, },
default 09:32:57.884397-0400    tccd    AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=150.735, attribution={responsible={identifier=<ID of InvalidCode>, pid=31168, auid=503, euid=503, responsible_path=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint Card to Mint Importer, binary_path=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint Card to Mint Importer}, accessing={, pid=31169, auid=503, euid=503, binary_path=/System/Library/Frameworks/AppKit.framework/Versions/C/XPCServices/}, requesting={, pid=150, auid=88, euid=88, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer}, },
default 09:32:57.895603-0400    lsd Non-fatal error enumerating at <private>, continuing: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “PlugIns” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSURL=PlugIns/ -- file:///Applications/, NSFilePath=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint, NSUnderlyingError=0x7ffc29c0db90 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
default 09:32:58.157054-0400    loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport saveLogoutPersistentState:finalSnapshot:] |      previouslyRunningApps: (
        BackgroundState = 0;
        BundleID = "com.example.applecardtomintimporter";
        Hide = 0;
        Path = "/Applications/Apple Card to Mint";
        BackgroundState = 2;
        BundleID = "";
        Hide = 0;
        Path = "/System/Applications/Utilities/";
        BackgroundState = 2;
        BundleID = "";
        Hide = 0;
        Path = "/System/Applications/";
        BackgroundState = 2;
        BundleID = "";
        Hide = 0;
        Path = "/Applications/";
        BackgroundState = 2;
        BundleID = "";
        Hide = 0;
        Path = "/System/Applications/";
        BackgroundState = 2;
        BundleID = "";
        Hide = 0;
        Path = "/System/Applications/";
        BackgroundState = 2;
        BundleID = "";
        Hide = 0;
        Path = "/Applications/Microsoft";
        BackgroundState = 2;
        BundleID = "";
        Hide = 0;
        Path = "/System/Applications/";
        BackgroundState = 2;
        BundleID = "";
        Hide = 0;
        Path = "/System/Library/CoreServices/";
default 09:32:58.157566-0400    loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport saveLogoutPersistentState:finalSnapshot:] |      checkAgainstApp is : Apple Card to Mint Importer
default 09:32:58.157579-0400    loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport appShouldBeRelaunched:] | entered. checking app: Apple Card to Mint Importer
default 09:32:58.157604-0400    loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport saveLogoutPersistentState:finalSnapshot:] |           Adding to relaunchArray: Apple Card to Mint Importer
default 09:32:58.161494-0400    loginwindow -[PersistentAppsSupport saveLogoutPersistentState:finalSnapshot:] |           Contents:(
        BackgroundState = 0;
        BundleID = "com.example.applecardtomintimporter";
        Hide = 0;
        Path = "/Applications/Apple Card to Mint";
        BackgroundState = 2;
        BundleID = "";
        Hide = 0;
        Path = "/System/Applications/Utilities/";
        BackgroundState = 2;
        BundleID = "";
        Hide = 0;
        Path = "/System/Applications/";
        BackgroundState = 2;
        BundleID = "";
        Hide = 0;
        Path = "/Applications/";
        BackgroundState = 2;
        BundleID = "";
        Hide = 0;
        Path = "/System/Applications/";
        BackgroundState = 2;
        BundleID = "";
        Hide = 0;
        Path = "/System/Applications/";
        BackgroundState = 2;
        BundleID = "";
        Hide = 0;
        Path = "/Applications/Microsoft";
        BackgroundState = 2;
        BundleID = "";
        Hide = 0;
        Path = "/System/Applications/";
        BackgroundState = 2;
        BundleID = "";
        Hide = 0;
        Path = "/System/Library/CoreServices/";
default 09:33:00.243268-0400    lsd Non-fatal error enumerating at <private>, continuing: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “PlugIns” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSURL=PlugIns/ -- file:///Applications/, NSFilePath=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint, NSUnderlyingError=0x7ffc2b605140 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
default 09:33:00.265949-0400    lsd Non-fatal error enumerating at <private>, continuing: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “PlugIns” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSURL=PlugIns/ -- file:///Applications/, NSFilePath=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint, NSUnderlyingError=0x7ffc2b2083c0 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
default 09:33:05.506891-0400    Apple Card to Mint Importer LSExceptions shared instance invalidated for timeout.
default 09:33:07.484966-0400    tccd    AUTHREQ_ATTRIBUTION: msgID=150.737, attribution={accessing={identifier=<ID of InvalidCode>, pid=31168, auid=503, euid=503, binary_path=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint Card to Mint Importer}, requesting={, pid=150, auid=88, euid=88, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer}, },
default 09:33:07.485023-0400    tccd    requestor:, pid=150, auid=88, euid=88, binary_path=/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/SkyLight.framework/Versions/A/Resources/WindowServer is checking access for accessor identifier=<ID of InvalidCode>, pid=31168, auid=503, euid=503, binary_path=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint Card to Mint Importer
default 09:33:07.498085-0400    lsd Non-fatal error enumerating at <private>, continuing: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=260 "The file “PlugIns” couldn’t be opened because there is no such file." UserInfo={NSURL=PlugIns/ -- file:///Applications/, NSFilePath=/Applications/Apple Card to Mint, NSUnderlyingError=0x7ffc29c0ea60 {Error Domain=NSPOSIXErrorDomain Code=2 "No such file or directory"}}
sarthaksharma058439 commented 3 years ago

Hey ! I found very informative Beeware tutorial Series on youtube , you can check this channel @programmingfever , this channel posted beeware tutorial for beginners with mini projects, you can also check via this link

spencernewton commented 3 years ago

Hey ! I found very informative Beeware tutorial Series on youtube , you can check this channel @programmingfever , this channel posted beeware tutorial for beginners with mini projects, you can also check via this link

While I have seen this video, I'm not seeing how it applies to my present issue. Did you mean to post this somewhere else?

freakboy3742 commented 3 years ago

@sarthaksharma058439 You've now posted that link (an exact text) to multiple issues. Please refrain from spamming links to promote content; if you persist in doing so, we'll block you from BeeWare spaces.

spencernewton commented 3 years ago

@freakboy3742 do you think there's any good place to start with this? I'm pretty much stuck at this point and really have no way of even figuring out what the issue could be.

freakboy3742 commented 2 years ago

@spencernewton Apologies for the long delay on responding to this. I've taken a closer look at the log you provided; based on the description you've given, I'm wondering if the problem might be sandboxing permissions. macOS apps don't generally like to be modified after they have been packaged - so while briefcase dev will be quite happy with you writing to the source folder, this might be causing problems with a packaged and signed app.

If you modify the location where the files are stored to point at a non-app location (e.g., a tmp folder - or even better, something like the user data folder provided by appdirs - does that work better?

freakboy3742 commented 2 years ago

Closing due to a lack of response from the original reporter.