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resource - dct:Location #2

Open bfrichet3 opened 2 years ago

bfrichet3 commented 2 years ago

Dear @barthanssens

I hope you are all right. I have a question about the attributes of the dct:Location class. As far as I know there are no specifications about that in the DCAT AP documents.

I noticed Flemish region seems to use loc:geometry in order to specify the bouding box of the descirbed resource. I noticed that other people use dcat:bbox too. Do you have any preferences or do you suggest us to use them both. Moreover in both cases I noticed that bouding boxes were specified by their expression in GML/WKT/GeoJSON. All these formats were identified by their opengis ID except GeoJSON which was identified by his IANA ID. Which ID would you suggest?



barthanssens commented 2 years ago

Hi @bfrichet3

W3C DCAT v2 states the following (

So IMHO loc:geometry should not be used for bounding box, only for the exact geometry (which is most likely not a box...)

I'd prefer to use WKT as recommended format (IIRC GeoJSON is limited to WGS84 only), not sure if we should explicitly exclude GML