benchun123 / object-based-loop-closure

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Segmentation Fault(core dumped) #1

Closed wf-hahaha closed 7 months ago

wf-hahaha commented 11 months ago

I'm running Ubuntu 20.04 with opencv 4.2. However, when initializing for optimization, there is always a Segmentation Fault. How can I solve this? 21

benchun123 commented 11 months ago


Thanks for following this work. As I track the information, I think it may happen in the function: Optimizer::GlobalBundleAdjustemnt

So, I recommand to check your Eigen library or G2O library. Some similar issues can be found at

Besides, I have never tried opencv4.x, that is different from opencv3.x, I am not sure if my code works well with opencv4.x. If you still can not fix the problem, please write me again.

wf-hahaha commented 3 months ago
