bendikMichal / pyretro-gui

PyRetro-Gui (also pyretrogui) is a gui framework built using pygame-ce to develop nostalgic looking apps.
MIT License
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Add checkbox widget #9

Open bendikMichal opened 1 month ago

bendikMichal commented 1 month ago

Simple as that. As for parameters / arguments it should have:

x: int,
y: int,
anchors: list[int] = [0, 0]
checked = False,
onchange = None,
colors: list[tuple] = [Colors.BG, Colors.LIGHT_BG],
z_index: int = 0

onchange should be a function that passes the current checked value and the button itself. As for art, placeholders are fine I can make it myself. Though if you are up for an artistic challenge go for it. Just remember that it should be win95-ish style.