benfry / processing4

Processing 4.x releases for Java 17
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a possible bug - cannot resize window by Java2D, but ok by P2D and P3D #801

Open MartinTheSun opened 8 months ago

MartinTheSun commented 8 months ago

My project allow the users to resize windows. It works fine before. Now I change my PC to a new one with Win 11, and with graphics card NVIDIA RTX A4000. I find that I cannot resize the window anymore. Every time I resize it, the window halted and the extra area in window becomes black color. The program even don't run the draw() function. I am using Processing 4.3. My JDK in this new PC was JDK8 and then I upgraded it to JDK11 and JDK21. I also update the driver of my graphic card to the latest. The problem still exists. It exists even I just used a very simple program (from Processing web site) to test. The code is here:

void setup() { size(200, 200); surface.setTitle("Hello World!"); surface.setResizable(true); surface.setLocation(100, 100); } void draw() { background(128); line(0, 0, width, height); line(width, 0, 0, height); }

However, if I use P2D or P3D as the rendener in the above example, the window can resize and the problem does not exist anymore. Unfortunately I cannot change my project to use P2D or P3D because it involves too many changes. Can anyone tell me how to solve this issue? Or this is a bug in Processing?

Just add a bit more information. This is not the first time I encounter this problem. The problem may not simply related with Win11. I encountered this problem in PC of Win10 before but it just rarely happened on one or two PC, not commonly happened.

grimtin10 commented 7 months ago

this is very much a bug and it is a very annoying one and causes the most problems for me (the P2D renderer is very unstable for some reason) this also didnt happen with processing 3 AFAIK