benjaminkott / bootstrap_package

Bootstrap Package delivers a full configured theme for TYPO3, based on the Bootstrap CSS Framework.
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How to add new layouts to the subnavigation. #867

Open JavierVelazquez opened 4 years ago

JavierVelazquez commented 4 years ago



Hello all!! Maybe someone can help me: I have made a little extension to the bootstrap package to add a couple of layouts and maybe, if I manage, a couple of new content elements. So far I can make the layouts appear in the back end and the front end. Some only on the back... (it beats me why they don't work even when I make them identical) but my question is how do you make this layouts appear in the subnavigation (the one one the side column) I am slowly getting better but I find it really hard. Typo3 is very dense sometimes. Anyway, I hope everyone is staying healthy and cheerful. Thank you!! [Is your question related to a problem? Please describe.]

Basically if the page doesn't use a Bootstrap Package layout, it doesn't get included. I guess is because my extension goes after the BS Package. So, how does one go about connecting them? ANy help greatly appreciated

gilbertsoft commented 4 years ago

Do you know The generated sitepackage extension includes a sample BE layout. Make sure you clear all caches after a change, that should do it. I'm not sure if you talk about a sitepackage extension or a common one to use in multiple projects:

JavierVelazquez commented 4 years ago

Hello Gilbersoft, Thank you very much for the answer! I did start building the extension from and the layout on the extension plus another one I added do work: they appear on the back end, and they render in the front end. Another two more layouts do appear in the back end but do not render (they throw an error code when opening the pages) so that is one issue and a weir one because the code is the same... Now, if I understand well, the dependency is there (I just double checked) right from the start when I built the extension on the web because I choose bootstrap_package over fluid_style_content. My problem (apart from the layout) is that somehow the submenu doesn't "read" pages that I add that use the new layouts. The top menu picks them just fine but the subnavigation (the side one in certain layouts) doesn't. Am I missing some other link that has to be done? apart from the dependency? When I place the bootstrap-package after the extension in the template it all breaks apart, by the way, so I have my mini extension after bs package. I do clear all caches all the time, my kingdom for a button that saves, closes and clears the cache at once... ( I do have the save & close one...) Thanks a lot for even reading this!!