Hello, I created auto-renewable and non-renewable products for a new app. I filled all information on IAP screen and also in banking-agreements. I had capabilities for IAP and I wrote the code same as the example but ProductState is still unknown. Do you have any idea for about it? Btw I can make purchase with this tutorial but with merchantkit it does not work.
Here is my repository which is doing all the stuff:
` protocol PurchaseRepositoryProtocol {
class PurchaseRepository: NSObject, PurchaseRepositoryProtocol {
static let shared = PurchaseRepository()
var isPurchased: Bool = false
var dailyPurchaseEndDate: Date?
override init() {
var merchant: Merchant?
func startMerchant() {
self.merchant = Merchant(configuration: .default, delegate: self)
let dailyProduct = Product(identifier: MerchantProductsIdentifiers.dailyMembership, kind: .subscription(automaticallyRenews: false))
let weeklyProduct = Product(identifier: MerchantProductsIdentifiers.weeklyMembership, kind: .subscription(automaticallyRenews: false))
let monthlyProduct = Product(identifier: MerchantProductsIdentifiers.monthlyMembership, kind: .subscription(automaticallyRenews: true))
self.merchant?.register([dailyProduct, weeklyProduct, monthlyProduct])
func getStatesOfProducts() {
isPurchased = false
if let dailyDate = dailyPurchaseEndDate {
if dailyDate < Date() {
isPurchased = true
if self.merchant?.state(for: Product(identifier: MerchantProductsIdentifiers.dailyMembership, kind: .subscription(automaticallyRenews: false))).isPurchased ?? false {
isPurchased = true
if self.merchant?.state(for: Product(identifier: MerchantProductsIdentifiers.weeklyMembership, kind: .subscription(automaticallyRenews: false))).isPurchased ?? false {
isPurchased = true
if self.merchant?.state(for: Product(identifier: MerchantProductsIdentifiers.monthlyMembership, kind: .subscription(automaticallyRenews: true))).isPurchased ?? false {
isPurchased = true
func buyMembership(successCompletion:@escaping () -> Void,errorCompletionn:@escaping () -> Void) -> Void {
let productW = self.merchant?.product(withIdentifier: MerchantProductsIdentifiers.dailyMembership)
let productSet = Set(arrayLiteral: productW!)
let interface = ProductInterfaceController(products: productSet, with: self.merchant!)
let state = interface.state(for: productW!)
switch state {
case .purchasable(let purchase):
let task = merchant?.commitPurchaseTask(for: purchase)
task?.onCompletion = { result in
switch result {
case .success:
case .failure(_):
Hello, I created auto-renewable and non-renewable products for a new app. I filled all information on IAP screen and also in banking-agreements. I had capabilities for IAP and I wrote the code same as the example but ProductState is still unknown. Do you have any idea for about it? Btw I can make purchase with this tutorial but with merchantkit it does not work. Here is my repository which is doing all the stuff: ` protocol PurchaseRepositoryProtocol {
class PurchaseRepository: NSObject, PurchaseRepositoryProtocol { static let shared = PurchaseRepository()
extension PurchaseRepository: MerchantDelegate,SKPaymentTransactionObserver { func merchant(_ merchant: Merchant, didChangeStatesFor products: Set) {
} `