benjann / estout

Stata module to make regression tables
MIT License
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can we add an option to output the rtf file with landscape view? #37

Closed fredericky123 closed 2 years ago

fredericky123 commented 2 years ago

Thanks so much for the new option! By the way, any plans for the docx file output?

NilsEnevoldsen commented 2 years ago

Context: this is presumably related to

benjann commented 2 years ago

Landscape: esttab does not provide formatting options for the document, but additional RTF commands can be added to the header using the substitute() option. In the RFT header written by estadd there is a line that reads \deflang1033\plain\fs24; this is a good place to add the extra formatting commands. Example:

sysuse auto
reg price weight foreign
est sto m1
local hook "\deflang1033\plain\fs24"
local pfmt "\paperw15840\paperh12240\landscape" // US letter
esttab m1 m1 m1 using ~/exampleUS.rtf, replace wide ///
   substitute("`hook'" "`hook'`pfmt'")
local pfmt "\paperw16834\paperh11909\landscape" // A4
esttab m1 m1 m1 using ~/exampleA4.rtf, replace wide ///
   substitute("`hook'" "`hook'`pfmt'")


benjann commented 2 years ago

(esttab I mean, not estadd)

benjann commented 2 years ago

By the way, any plans for the docx file output?

Not really, especially since we now have collect, table, and etable in Stata 17. Of course, putdocx could be used by estout to write docx files (or putexcel for xlsx and putpdf for pdf). However, it would be quite some work to integrate such support into estout and the code, which is already quite an organically grown mess, would get even messier.

At some point an attempt to integrate putdocx and putpdf into estout has been made by someone else, but I failed to pick this up. I still feel bad about it, but I just couldn't bring myself to get involved with the added complexity.

A solution that seems manageable to me would be to add some subroutines to esttab that first call estout to write a plain text table including some special tags (e.g. for lines) to a tempfile and then translate this file to docx, xlsx, or pdf. Functionality would not be as extensive as in collect, but at least the basics could be covered without too much effort.

fredericky123 commented 2 years ago

Thanks, Ben!

fredericky123 commented 2 years ago

Since we this solution is elegant, we may add an option (landscape) for rtf output in the future