benoitc / couchbeam

Apache CouchDB client in Erlang
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HTTP Basic support needed for changes feed #39

Closed jhs closed 13 years ago

jhs commented 13 years ago

Actually, anything that uses couchbeam:server_url/1.

Naive implementation is at trunk. Thanks!

benoitc commented 13 years ago

It's already supported: Host = "localhost", Port = 5984, Prefix = "", UserName = "guest", Password = "test", Options = [{basic_auth, {UserName, Password}], S1 = couchbeam:server_connection(Host, Port, Prefix, Options).

More info here:

This is applied to all objects using server_url, could be overriden in the Db too. Also oauth is supported too.

jhs commented 13 years ago

I did that however it does not work for changes_feeds.

couchbeam:changes_wait calls couchbeam:make_url which calls couchbeam:server_url which forgets to add username:password@ prefix to the hostname.

Please see patch (and merge/fast-forward if possible) at

benoitc commented 13 years ago

Options should be passed in the url, ibrowse should understand this option:


What is your error & ibrowse version ?

benoitc commented 13 years ago

tested but can't reproduce.

1> S = couchbeam:server_connection("", 5984, "", [{basic_auth, {"testdb", "testdb"}}]).
2> {ok, Db} = couchbeam:open_db(S, "testdb").
3> coucheam:db_info(Db).
           [{"Server","CouchDB/1.1.0a572fdd0-git (Erlang OTP/R13B)"},
            {"Date","Mon, 01 Nov 2010 20:18:54 GMT"},
           <<"{\"error\":\"unauthorized\",\"reason\":\"Name or password is incorrect.\"}\n">>}}
4> S1 = couchbeam:server_connection("", 5984, "", [{basic_auth, {"test", "test"}}]).   
5> {ok, Db1} = couchbeam:open_db(S1, "testdb").
6> 11> couchbeam:db_info(Db1).
7> ChangesFun = fun(ReqId, F) ->
7>     receive
7>         {ReqId, done} ->
7>             ok;
7>         {ReqId, {change, Change}} ->
7>             io:format("change ~p ~n", [Change]),
7>             F(ReqId, F);    
7>         {ReqId, {error, E}}->
7>             io:format("error ? ~p ~n", [E])
7>     end
7> end,
7> Pid = self(),
7> Options = [{heartbeat, "true"}],
7> {ok, ReqId} = couchbeam:changes_wait(Db1, Pid, Options),
7> ChangesFun(ReqId, ChangesFun)

change {[{<<"seq">>,7129},
change {[{<<"seq">>,7131},