benschaf / kaesekaestchen

Welcome! This is a web application that allows users to play the game of Käsekästchen online. The web-app is built using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It also includes an AI opponent that can play against the user. Please feel free to fork this repository and make your own contributions!
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Käsekästchen (German for: dots and boxes) is a web app that allows users to play the game of Käsekästchen online. The game is played on a grid of dots, where two players take turns drawing lines between the dots. The goal is to complete a square by drawing the fourth line around it. The player who completes the most squares wins the game.

GitHub deployments Website GitHub commit activity GitHub issues GitHub closed issues GitHub language count W3C Validation html W3C Validation css

Note: The Validation badges do not always load correctly. If the badge reads "inaccessible", please click on the badge to view the validation results.

responsive-image from amiresponsive


User Persona

The target audience for this web app is anyone who wants to play a fun and easy to learn game online. It's possible to play the game for 5 Minutes but if someone wants to play for longer, they can adjust the size of the grid to make the game more complex. The game is single player, so no second player is required. The game is also playable on mobile devices, so it can be played on the go (although a grid larger than 4x4 is not recommended on mobile devices).

Colour Scheme

This web app is displayed in a dark theme. The colour scheme adheres to the Material Design 2 Dark Theme guidelines. This provides a familiar experience for users who are used to the dark theme on their devices. The dark theme also reduces eye strain which enables users to play the game for longer periods of time. The colours used are:

The player colour is a green colour, while the AI colour is a purple colour. These colours are used throughout the website to differentiate between the two players.

I've used CSS :root variables to easily update the global colour scheme by changing only one value, instead of everywhere in the CSS file:

:root {
    /* p = Primary / s = Secondary */
    --dark-backgorund: #121212;
    --card-background: #1E1E1E;
    --p-highlight: #03DAC5;
    --p-highlight-transparent: rgba(3, 218, 197, 0.8);
    --p-text: #FFFFFF;
    --s-text: #A5A5A5;
    --player-color: #BAfC86;
    --ai-color: #BB86FC;

The --p-highlight-transparent variable is used for the hover effect on buttons.

I used the tool to visualize the colour scheme: coolors-theme


The layout of the website also adheres losely to the Material Design 2 Dark Theme guidelines. The Layout is based on cards. The cards are used to group related content together.

Information Architecture

The cards are also used to create a visual hierarchy.


User Stories

As a I would like to so that I can
User play a fun game spend some time
User play the game on different devices play on my preferred device
User select the size of the grid customize the game to my liking
User see the scores of both players know who is winning
User change my player name personalize my game experience
User choose who goes first in the game strategize my game play
User select the AI difficulty level adjust the game to my skill level
User adjust the size of the grid control the complexity of the game
User restart the game play again
User read the game instructions understand how to play the game

Note: User stories that aren't in the scope of this version can be found under Future Features.

Wireframes / Mockups

The wireframes were created using The mockups were created using Figma. The mockups were created after the wireframes to visualize the design of the website. The mockups were used as a reference during development.

Some of the design was finalized while implementing it in code. The final design differs slightly from the mockups. The final design can be found in the Features section.

Device Wireframe Figma Mockup
Mobile wireframe-phone figma-phone
Tablet wireframe-tablet figma-tablet
Desktop wireframe-desktop figma-desktop


Existing Features

Logo and Heading

Featured at the top of the page, the Käsekästchen typography logo is easy to see for the user. Upon viewing the page, the user will be able to see the name of the game. The how to play button is displayed on the right side of the display. This button will scroll the user down to the instructions section.


Welcome Message

This section will allow the user to see a welcome message. The welcome message will give the user a brief introduction to the game and the website. The welcome message will also give the user a brief overview of the game instructions. This section was added after a user test revealed that the game instructions were not immediately visible to the user.



This section will allow the user to play the Käsekästchen game. The user will be able to easily see the grid of dots and draw lines between them by clicking on a disabled line. When a box is completed, the box will be automatically filled with the active players colour. Once all boxes are completed, the game will end and a message will be displayed to the user. A new game can then be started by clicking on the "Restart Game" button in the options area.


AI Opponent

The AI opponent is implemented in the game logic and will play against the user. The AI opponent will play a random move on the "Easy" difficulty level. The "Medium" difficulty follows an algorithm. Check it out in the code comments in the script.js file to find out more about the inner workings of the AI. The "Hard" difficulty is currently disabled and in development.

 * Determines which border to draw based on the number of drawn borders around adjacent cells.
 * If a cell has 3 drawn borders, draws the 4th border.
 * If a cell has 2 drawn borders, removes that border from the available borders Array.
 * Draws a random border if no cell has 3 or 2 drawn borders around them.
 * If there are only borders with 2 drawn borders around them, draws one of them (randomly).
 * @param {Array} availableBorders - The available borders to choose from.
 * @param {Array} grid - The gameboard grid of div elements.
function mediumComputerTurn(availableBorders, grid) { ... }

View the full function in the script.js file

Turn indicator slider

At the bottom of the gameboard, a slider indicates whose turn it is. The slider is coloured after the active player's colour. The slider will move to the left when it's the player's turn and to the right when it's the AI's turn.


Score Card

This section will allow the user to see exactly how many squares they have completed and how many squares their opponent has completed, indicating who is winning. The Score Card will also display the name of the player and the difficulty level of the AI. Lastly it indicates whose turn it is by colouring the background of the active player's name and score.


Options Area

This section allows the user to customize their game experience. The options available are:


Name Input and restart confirmation

If the user starts a game a modal will appear asking if the user is sure they want to start a new game. Also, If the name the user has added is longer than 15 characters, a modal will appear, notifying the user that the name is too long. The user then has to click on the "OK" button to close the modal. The user can then change the name and start a new game.



This section will allow the user to read the instructions on how to play the game. The user can click on the "How to Play" button in the header to scroll down to this section.



This section will allow the user to see copyright information. The footer also contains links to the developer's GitHub and LinkedIn profiles.


Background Blur Design elements

The background blur design elements are used to create a more interesting and playful design. The background blur elements are used behind the header and the footer. When the game is played, more backgorund blur elements are generated behind the gameboard. These elements are coloured to indicate who completed a box. The slider indicator also has a corresponding background blur element.



The website is fully responsive on all devices. This is acheived using media queries and CSS Grid and Flexbox for most of the layout.

The gameboard is responsive using JavaScript. Each DOM element of the gameboard is individually created and resized depending on the size of the viewport. The gameboard is also responsive to the size of the grid. The grid size can be adjusted by the user in the options area. The gameboard will then be resized accordingly. Note that on mobile devices, a grid size larger than 4x4 is not recommended.

responsive-image from amiresponsive

Future Features

Proposed Future User stories

As a I would like to so that I can
User select the number of players play against my friends
User see the leaderboard see who is the best player
User play against a harder AI challenge myself
User display the game in a light theme play in a light theme

Proposed Future Features

Multiplayer: Allow users to play against each other online.

Leaderboard: Implement a leaderboard that shows the top players.

Harder AI: Implement a harder AI that can play against the user.

Light Theme: Implement a light theme for users who prefer a light theme.

Tools & Technologies Used

Special mention: Github Projects

Github Projects was an invaluable tool for project management. A screenshot of the project board can be found below:



Code Validation and Testing can be found in a separate file called


The site was deployed to GitHub Pages. The steps to deploy are as follows:

The live link can be found here

Local Deployment

This project can be cloned or forked in order to make a local copy on your own system.


You can clone the repository by following these steps:

  1. Go to the GitHub repository
  2. Locate the Code button above the list of files and click it
  3. Select if you prefer to clone using HTTPS, SSH, or GitHub CLI and click the copy button to copy the URL to your clipboard
  4. Open Git Bash or Terminal
  5. Change the current working directory to the one where you want the cloned directory
  6. In your IDE Terminal, type the following command to clone my repository:
    • git clone
  7. Press Enter to create your local clone.

Alternatively, if using Gitpod, you can click below to create your own workspace using this repository.

Open in Gitpod

Please note that in order to directly open the project in Gitpod, you need to have the browser extension installed. A tutorial on how to do that can be found here.


By forking the GitHub Repository, we make a copy of the original repository on our GitHub account to view and/or make changes without affecting the original owner's repository. You can fork this repository by using the following steps:

  1. Log in to GitHub and locate the GitHub Repository
  2. At the top of the Repository (not top of page) just above the "Settings" Button on the menu, locate the "Fork" Button.
  3. Once clicked, you should now have a copy of the original repository in your own GitHub account!



To go to the source of the content, click on the link in the "Source" column. To go to the relevant code inside this project, click on the link in the "Location" column.

Source Location Notes
Wikipedia instructions card used for game instructions
Wikipedia computeLastTurn function used for game logic
Favicon W3C Favicon link used for favicon syntax
CSS Blurred Background W3C filter: blur(100px) and function createBackgroundBlurElement() used for background blur syntax
CSS :root Selector W3C ':root' selector used for CSS root syntax
CSS Variables W3C variables in ':root' selector used for CSS variables syntax box-sizing: border-box; used for CSS box-sizing syntax game-area media query used for CSS grid syntax
Medium Article by Martin Kearn script.js used for JSDoc syntax
Flexiple Difficulty indicator used for capitalizing the first letter of the difficulty string
W3Schools all arrow functions used for arrow function syntax
MDN Web Docs JSDoc comments used for understanding HTMLDivElement parameter and for using it in JSdoc comments in
W3Schools setTimeout(); used for setTimeout function to delay AI turns
Stack Overflow @ return {two arguments} used for understanding JSDoc return syntax when different types can be returned and for using it in JSDoc comments
Stack Overflow let leftOverBorders = availableBorders.slice(); used for understanding how to create an independent copy of an array
W3Schools div.className = 'border'; used for understanding how to set and address the class names of the divs in the gameboard grid
Medium Article by Steve Amaza git version control used for understanding how to write git commit messages with a body using the vim interface
W3Schools - CSS Animation animations in script.js and style.css understanding CSS animations
Stack Overflow CSS Variables used for understanding and removing the jigsaw warning "CSS variables are not statically checked"
[Stack Overflow](,string%20that%20contains%20only%20spaces.&text=You%20can%20read%20more%20about%20trim%20here.) player name validation used for understanding how to detect a string that contains only spaces
Tim Nelson dynamic copyright notice asked, to understand how to create a dynamic copyright notice
WebDevSimplified dialog and modal boxes used for understanding how to create a modal box
YouTube in dark mode background blur elements used for inspiration for the background blur elements


Source Location filename Notes
Fontawesome Footer various icons icons used: fa-github, fa-linkedin
Material Design 2 Colour Scheme and Design N/A used for design guidelines
