/home/benste/PycharmProjects/SongBeamerQS/venv/bin/python /home/benste/PycharmProjects/SongBeamerQS/main.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/benste/PycharmProjects/SongBeamerQS/main.py", line 421, in <module>
upload_new_local_songs_and_generate_ct_id(df_sng, df_ct)
File "/home/benste/PycharmProjects/SongBeamerQS/main.py", line 353, in upload_new_local_songs_and_generate_ct_id
song_id = api.create_song(title=title, songcategory_id=category_id, author=authors,
File "/home/benste/PycharmProjects/ChurchToolsAPI/ChurchToolsApi.py", line 395, in create_song
new_id = int(json.loads(response.content)['data'])
KeyError: 'data'
Process finished with exit code 1
Creating a new song without ID and running the SongBeamerQS script results in an error which is likely caused by the return value of create_song() in CT API
Module logging does shows 403 ... maybe auth related?
2023-01-19 16:52:05,761 root INFO Uploading Song '910 Psalm 86' with Category ID '9' from '' with (C) from '' and ccli ''
2023-01-19 16:52:05,834 urllib3.connectionpool DEBUG https://elkw1610.krz.tools:443 "POST /?q=churchservice/ajax&func=addNewSong HTTP/1.1" 403 None
Creating a new song without ID and running the SongBeamerQS script results in an error which is likely caused by the return value of create_song() in CT API
Module logging does shows 403 ... maybe auth related?