bertmelis / esp32ModbusTCP

Modbus client for ESP32
MIT License
84 stars 32 forks source link

modbus sunny boy + LCD I2C 20x4 #12

Open alfmalo000 opened 4 years ago

alfmalo000 commented 4 years ago

Hello. The first of all, thanks for sharing your work. I am trying to create a simple proyect. My intention is read values for inverter Sunny Boy 5.0 and shows the values on the LCD 20x4. Then, it's more simple see the values of my photovoltaic. The values read correctly from the inverter but When I added the code for LCD I2C 20x4, the sketch is unestable. The LCD shows caracters wrongs and even, the Connection TCP with the inverter hang out. Please can you review the sketch?

alfmalo000 commented 4 years ago

If you need the proyect, please let me know and I send you via email.