beta-tester / RPi-PXE-Server

setup a Raspberry Pi as an PXE-Server
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Installer failing? #1

Closed NorthernLoop closed 8 years ago

NorthernLoop commented 8 years ago


I want to say many thanks for this project it's perfect for me. I'm wondering if you can help me with the install process?

login as: pi pi@'s password:

The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software; the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.

Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Last login: Thu Mar 17 16:34:36 2016 from pi@PXE:~ $ ls Desktop Pictures Templates Documents Public Videos Downloads Music python_games pi@PXE:~ $ bash line 5: syntax error near unexpected token newline' line 5:<!DOCTYPE html>' pi@PXE:~ $

NorthernLoop commented 8 years ago

Copied the lines from script 1 and just pasted into the console window and it seems it's running. Report back after I reboot and complete part 2.

beta-tester commented 8 years ago

at line 5 i don't see anything that could cause any error... maybe there is something different on your system, that i expect to use to gather ip addresses. what distro you are using? Raspbian Jessie / Raspbian Jessie Lite?

you can try to replace the variables with fixed values

IP_LOCAL=$(echo $(hostname -I) | sed 's/ //g')
IP_LOCAL_=$(echo $IP_LOCAL | grep -E -o "([0-9]{1,3}[\.]){3}")
IP_LOCAL_0=$(echo $(echo $IP_LOCAL_)0)
IP_LOCAL_START=$(echo $(echo $IP_LOCAL_)200)
IP_LOCAL_END=$(echo $(echo $IP_LOCAL_)229)
IP_LOCAL_255=$(echo $(echo $IP_LOCAL_)255)
IP_ROUTER=$(grep "nameserver" /etc/resolv.conf | sed -r "s/nameserver([ ]{1,})//g")

with something like... (where 192.168.1.x is the local network environment)

NorthernLoop commented 8 years ago

I'm using build "2016-02-26-raspbian-jessie.img"

Will update IP addresses now. After the manual pasted script it fails to boot, I'm running headless at the moment.

NorthernLoop commented 8 years ago

Okay the document error was because the chrome had amended the file, I can see in the downloaded file there is a load of random text. Sorry.

Downloaded the ZIP and trying again before amending the IPs.

NorthernLoop commented 8 years ago

Applied the Zip file an installer runs. On reboot it doesn't up back to my IP (


Can I query the address in bold?

beta-tester commented 8 years ago

the adresses are ok, except of the IP_LOCAL_255= that sould be IP_LOCAL_255= but that was my mistake... :fearful:

oh, is your router ?

PS.: all the IP stuff isn't used in the first installer script. it will be used in the second script only.

beta-tester commented 8 years ago

hmm... if you are doing everything via SSH connection, i think you will run into problems after rebooting after the first script. there is a bug in systemd/dhcpd dependency ordering. that can cause the system to loose the network connection until you add the workaround for that, that i put unfortunately to the second script.

# fix for systemd dependency cycle
grep -q nfs-kernel-server /etc/rc.local || sudo sed /etc/rc.local -i -e "s/^exit 0$/sudo service nfs-kernel-server restart &\n\nexit 0/";

maybe i should put that workaround to the first script or to both... :thought_balloon:

NorthernLoop commented 8 years ago

Yeah I'm running without screen. Though I have just connected a 3.5" screen to see what is happening.

Running script without amending IPs. PXE IP is Router Sub

NorthernLoop commented 8 years ago

Okay after running unedited script, part 1 installs and then I reboot. On reboot stopped on

Mounting Configuration File System

beta-tester commented 8 years ago

damn... that i forgot. if you don't have an USB stick with the correct name, then your system stucks here... please delete or adjust the entry in the /etc/fstab file to

LABEL=PXE-Server  /media/server/  auto  defaults,noatime,auto,x-systemd.automount  0  0

,auto,x-systemd.automount will prevent the system from blocking

NorthernLoop commented 8 years ago

I don't have a stick in the device but I do have a portable 2.5" 1TB drive I was planning to use. I have loads of images I want to PXE.

beta-tester commented 8 years ago

USB-Stick or HDD doesn't matter. that /etc/fstab entry expect a filesystem with a label "PXE-Server", you can adjust to your needs.

NorthernLoop commented 8 years ago

OK the Pi fails to power my portable HDD, found another and boots. Running second script now.

I'm using 128Gb microSD card. I'm guessing the ISO images are meant to be stored on the USB drive and not the microsd?

beta-tester commented 8 years ago

thank you for testing and telling me the problems you got... i changed the first script to do not run into that problems now.

the second script as is, is currently made to store all stuff to SD card. to store the iso's to the external drive, you have to adjust the script. also to download/use other iso's as in the script, you have to adjust the script.

NorthernLoop commented 8 years ago

Great, ever time I try to amend the sh script and upload using WinSCP it reports an error. Guessing its adding some formatting into the file?

Downloading new version and I'll report back.

To begin with all the ISO images on the SD card for me as well.

beta-tester commented 8 years ago

the second script i didn't touched... i only changed the first script!

for your WinSCP problem, see here a good text editor is notepad++ that is able to handle/convert windows/linux style line breaks

NorthernLoop commented 8 years ago

Many thanks for your support on this.

I have done a clean install after it still freezes on boot when no USB is attached.

beta-tester commented 8 years ago

if it still freeze, then remove/comment out the whole mount entry for the external drive from /etc/fstab file, then is shoudn't freeze. ### LABEL=PXE-Server /media/server/ auto defaults,noatime,auto,x-systemd.automount 0 0

after that, if it still freeze then it is not the mount entry...