beta68 / install_cevdrx11

Installs VDR and X11 including Ubuntu 20.04 within CoreElec environment
GNU General Public License v3.0
4 stars 1 forks source link

install_cevdrx11 for Amlogic devices

Unzip the instatll-script, copy it to CoreElec /storage directory and execute it: ./ The script will download an Ubuntu 20.04 image, extract the rootfs, update it and install missing packages required for VDR and X11. The package list is provided as a base64 encoded tar.bz2-payload within the script.

The user needs to press ENTER several times during installation and finally select the time zone for chroot environment. The script should work on any Amlogic hardware which CE itself is running on. is implemented. Network configuration is done automatically. The script will boot into VDR after installation (please reboot). Services are added in /storage/.config/system.d. Scripts are in /storage/UBUNTU/vdr and in /storage/UBUNTU/home/user. KODI can be called from VDR menu, leaving KODI will enable VDR again. While KODI is running, VDR is running in background and VNSI PVR can be used to connect to VDR. The script /storage/UBUNTU/home/user/ will start X11.

Please use the script with care as everything is installed/handled as root.

For un-installation please perform the following steps:


The script is CE update safe.

A chroot shell can be started as follows (after installation):

ssh root@ip-of-your-ce-box
chroot . /bin/bash

Afterwards, you can use apt to install/purge packages. If I find the time I may program a KODI addon for this.

Tested on: Radxa Zero, Radxa zero 2, Odroid N2+, Ugoos X4 Pro