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Highlighting "original articles" on #699

Closed rinkug closed 9 months ago

rinkug commented 3 years ago

Right now, we highlight original articles on using carousel, highlights bar and recommend options.

Do we need an additional way to highlight this content? Perhaps similar to blogs?

Opening this for discussion.

This issue is being created to keep track of the discussion I had on this topic with @markcmiller86 and @curfman some weeks ago.

bernhold commented 3 years ago

i wasn't part of the discussions referred to above, but I'll note that the both the carousel and the announcement bar can be used to highlight any content of interest, and the carousel frequently includes events and sometimes other types of resources.

Perhaps what we really need are some conventions for how to use them? (We already have informal conventions among the people who modify those files. Maybe we should try to write them down as a starting point?)

rinkug commented 2 years ago

Based on discussions with vendors and team, here are some notes.

markcmiller86 commented 2 years ago

If we wanna highlight stuff, I think we should consider some kind of movement or dynamics to do it...

bartlettroscoe commented 2 years ago

Right, it would really be great to allow a way to elevate non-blog original articles to the same level of visibility and prestige as blog articles. Quality original articles can take more time to research and write than blog articles and they they don't have any additional visibility or emphasis to one-paragraph CC articles.

pagrubel commented 2 years ago

Yesterday, during our meeting we discussed having a dropdown menu for different content types. @rinkug I placed a drawing of a dropdown menu for content in our folder. Move it to wherever you like. I can change it however you would like pretty easily since I kept intermediate steps. Just let me know what you want

bartlettroscoe commented 2 years ago

NOTE: One easy way to raise the visibility of of original articles would be to do so in the monthly BSSW digest. For example, the one sent out today had my longer article (involving a good bit a investigation) listed a the very bottom with just a title as:


But a blog article is highlighted as:


pagrubel commented 2 years ago

My thoughts exactly as I read the digest today and knew how much work it was for Ross to write his article on OpenSSF. We could start simply with making it more visible in the Digest

rinkug commented 2 years ago

@pagrubel: This implementation from bssw digest has been done since July issue.

rinkug commented 2 years ago

Yesterday, during our meeting we discussed having a dropdown menu for different content types. I placed a drawing of a dropdown menu for content in our folder. Move it to wherever you like. I can change it however you would like pretty easily since I kept intermediate steps. Just let me know what you want

The drop down menu bar idea was discarded since it clutters the menu bar and forces us to eliminate "blogs" that are one of the main focus points of the site. An alternate idea that was proposed (by @bernhold) was to expand articles under the blog category. Please see the description of the new concept below.

Basically, we can expand our concept of what constitutes a blog article. So we're thinking about multiple "tracks" in the blog, or high-level categories. We assign each article to a track (perhaps more than one, but I think we should resist that temptation).

They all appear on the blog page in order of publication. They're labeled somehow with their track. I've mocked up something simple where each article has a button indicating the track, but we're not wedded to any particular presentation. The buttons should be clickable to create a filtered list of just the blog articles in that track.

The tracks could change over time (like topics). In a brief discussion, we came up with a few ideas like...

Screen Shot 2022-09-11 at 7 51 45 AM
markcmiller86 commented 2 years ago

I don't think I had payed close enough attention to these points in previous visits to this issue...

  • Historically, our blogs have had a personal voice, while our other content is more impersonal/technical.
  • What we are seeking here is a way to acknowledge the higher level of effort that goes into original content and give the authors credit.
  • So, these original technical articles don’t just add to the blog – they have a different feeling to them and we think it is desirable to preserve that distinction.

This has me wondering how the group would classify various of my contributions (take for example the Apollo Guidance Computer articles, COVID article and inclusivity articles) of original content here as either technical or personal voice?

markcmiller86 commented 2 years ago

I think Deep Dive, How To, Community and Experience make some sense but as described above, I don't see a big enough distinction between Community and Experience especially as labels users might use to filter what they are looking at or assess what they are seeing. To distinguish those, I think Community Building might be needed or Building Communities or maybe Sustaining.

Other than that tiny potential issue, I like the idea which sounds like a whole sub-categorization for our blog content.

bartlettroscoe commented 2 years ago

An alternate idea that was proposed (by @bernhold) was to expand articles under the blog category.

Given the definition of accepted definition of a "blog" (wikipedia):

A blog (a truncation of "weblog")[1] is a discussion or informational website published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete, often informal diary-style text entries (posts).

I am not sure if expanding the set of articles that are highlighted as a "blog" is the best idea. I think people would be surprised to see this expanded definition of a "blog". I can think of other possibilities that we could discuss.

markcmiller86 commented 2 years ago

Note that that same wikipedia page goes on to say...

'Blog' and 'blogging' are now loosely used for content creation and sharing on social media, especially when the content is long-form and one creates and shares content on regular basis. So, one could be maintaining a blog on Facebook or blogging on Instagram.

So, FWIW, I believe the above meaning of blog has evolved from its use in the late 1990's and can certainly be formal and technical and not just informal, personal perspectives.

bernhold commented 2 years ago

So @bartlettroscoe I don't know how to interpret your comment just above in conjunction with your :+1: to Mark's observation about the evolution of the definition of "blog". Have you come over to the Mark-side? Or do you still feel that we should do something different. If the latter, perhaps you could (begin) to share some of the possibilities you mention here?

bernhold commented 2 years ago

And a note on my thinking: In the past, I had argued to keep our blog as it has been and find some other way to feature other styles of contribution. But after multiple discussions trying to figure out that "some other way", I have concluded that the best solution I have heard is to expand our concept of what constitutes a blog article.

bartlettroscoe commented 2 years ago

And a note on my thinking: In the past, I had argued to keep our blog as it has been and find some other way to feature other styles of contribution.

If the modern meaning of "blog" really has become very general, then I think it is okay to expand the definition of "blog" on to include various significant technical articles that may not written in the first person, personal perspective, log format.

But after multiple discussions trying to figure out that "some other way", I have concluded that the best solution I have heard is to expand our concept of what constitutes a blog article.

One idea that comes to mind is to change the definition and prominence of of "highlighted articles" to include blogs and other more significant contributions and to raise the prominence "highlighted articles" over the list of blog articles on the site and in the monthly emails. And then clearly label them "blog", "original technical article", etc. And you would keep the lists of other material for "blogs", "original articles", "curated content", "howtos", etc. to make those easy to find as well.

Every blog article would automatically be listed under "highlighted articles". The challenge is to define the criteria for what elevates a non-blog article to the "highlighted articles" list. For example, I think an article like Pull Request Size Matters would be in the list of "highlighted articles". That is a well researched and thoughtful article and it deserves to be elevated alongside any other article on the site.

bartlettroscoe commented 2 years ago

@pagrubel: This implementation from bssw digest has been done since July issue.

@rinkug, just an FYI, but I don't seem to have gotten the monthly "BSSw Digest: What's new .." for July or August. I wonder if other people missed this as well.

I just today re-registered for the email digest on so we will see if I get the digest at the end of this month.

bernhold commented 2 years ago

@bartlettroscoe I just checked MailChimp. It shows that it sent you both July and August digests as well as three messages about the BSSwF (15 Aug, 6 Sep, 7 Sep). You might check your local mail system(s) in case it was classified as junk or perhaps treated more harshly. (ORNL uses several filters that will silently drop messages with no indication at all to the recipient. And they don't always categorize things properly.)

bernhold commented 2 years ago

@bartlettroscoe, what constitutes "highlighting" for you? I want to make sure I understand. Any or all of the following? Anything else?

bartlettroscoe commented 2 years ago

ORNL uses several filters that will silently drop messages with no indication at all to the recipient. And they don't always categorize things properly.

Yes, we have had this happen before at SNL as well now that I think about it. I will inquire.

markcmiller86 commented 2 years ago

And then clearly label them "blog", "original technical article",

Reading between the lines in @bartlettroscoe remarks here, I suspect part of what is going on is some concern over highly technically-oriented original content recieving the label of "blog" may not feel quite right for some authors.

If such content is labeled as blog article on the site...if we, @betterscientificsoftware/bssw-editorial-board refer to such content as blog, etc., then perhaps that treatment runs the risk of diminishing the significance of the contribution. And, that may be all the more so when it is juxtaposed with journal publications.

I think I understand that concern. So, having another name for such content does make some sense to me. However, what having another name for it actually means in editorial processes or in the way the site operates, etc., I cannot say.

I just wanted to take a moment and call out here what I think may be the real crux of the issue. If I am the last to come to the party on this, my apologies.

bartlettroscoe commented 2 years ago

I suspect part of what is going on is some concern over highly technically-oriented original content receiving the label of "blog" may not feel quite right for some authors.

@markcmiller86, that is one major concern that I have with expanding the scope of "blog" articles. The other concern is that it might make it harder for users to differentiate these different types of articles.

And of course, the main driver for this entire discussion it to allow some articles other than blog articles to receive the same level of prominence and visibility on the site with blog articles.

bartlettroscoe commented 2 years ago

@bartlettroscoe, what constitutes "highlighting" for you? I want to make sure I understand. Any or all of the following? Anything else?

  • Main page "featured" carousel

In my view, the carousel is easily ignored since you have to scroll down to even see it and then it only cycles through content.

  • Listing in the digest


  • Listing on the blog page

Yes, but don't call it the "blog page". Call it the "featured" page of which blogs are one kind.

Has someone drown up mock ups of what the site would look like with these different alternatives?

bernhold commented 2 years ago

Well, Rinku did actually post a mockup that I made of what it might look like to have a broader concept of blog articles above:

bernhold commented 2 years ago

Yes, but don't call it the "blog page". Call it the "featured" page of which blogs are one kind.

I actually think keeping the term "blog" is a positive, not a negative. If I go to a site I don't know and I see a "blog" link, I expect that I'll find a time-series of articles that will probably cover a variety of topics (presumably within the general area covered by the site). Which I think is exactly what we have now, and what we would still have if we expanded our concept of "blog". I don't see "featured" being used in this way when I look around other sites, and I wouldn't know what to expect if I did encounter it.

So I think "blog" is a well-recognized term that does and would apply to what we publish. I don't think we benefit by changing to "featured".

Plus, technically, that would be a highly invasive change in

bartlettroscoe commented 2 years ago

So I think "blog" is a well-recognized term that does and would apply to what we publish.

Okay, if an expanded definition of "blog" works, that is fine. It is just that old guys like me think of a blog as just a web log :-)

markcmiller86 commented 2 years ago

I wanted to get a list of the blog articles sorted by (approx) date they were added and wound up spending 1+ hours learning about git log before I finally combined git log with xargs (and other shell piping)...these are sorted by date the file was added (to git) not finally published. Often, a file is added weeks or months even before its finally published.

ls *.md | xargs -n 1 git log --diff-filter=A --date=local --name-only --pretty=format:%ci | grep . | paste - - | sort -k 1 -d
2017-04-10 21:10:31 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2017-05-11 09:25:01 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2017-09-27 11:44:40 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2017-11-13 00:04:38 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2017-12-01 08:09:17 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2017-12-03 14:44:59 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2017-12-13 14:06:00 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2018-02-01 21:01:51 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2018-02-05 11:12:10 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2018-02-26 12:04:02 -0800   Articles/Blog/
2018-03-13 22:05:30 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2018-03-23 18:58:44 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2018-04-17 18:02:04 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2018-04-29 19:11:25 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2018-05-10 15:16:42 -0700   Articles/Blog/
2018-05-30 21:26:01 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2018-06-12 19:13:05 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2018-06-14 19:11:20 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2018-07-06 10:36:06 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2018-07-19 05:44:53 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2018-07-23 12:06:33 -0700   Articles/Blog/
2018-07-27 20:32:05 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2018-09-06 09:34:52 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2018-09-09 08:47:33 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2018-10-18 08:46:27 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2018-11-08 20:08:11 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2018-11-15 11:51:31 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2018-12-06 20:44:22 +0100   Articles/Blog/
2018-12-11 07:53:09 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2018-12-28 15:53:51 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2019-01-23 18:39:42 -0600   Articles/Blog/
2019-02-08 22:03:37 -0800   Articles/Blog/
2019-02-13 08:13:00 -0700   Articles/Blog/
2019-03-05 15:25:23 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2019-03-09 22:38:08 -0800   Articles/Blog/
2019-03-14 18:22:12 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2019-04-02 07:48:21 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2019-04-05 22:15:17 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2019-04-15 11:50:19 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2019-05-12 13:56:38 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2019-06-18 18:35:59 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2019-06-27 16:34:59 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2019-06-29 16:51:29 -0700   Articles/Blog/
2019-07-13 11:36:40 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2019-08-16 12:38:51 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2019-08-20 12:59:13 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2019-08-27 15:43:40 +0200   Articles/Blog/
2019-09-03 21:50:59 -0600   Articles/Blog/
2019-09-09 10:02:28 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2019-09-11 05:31:19 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2019-09-24 12:10:12 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2019-10-08 11:54:36 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2019-10-26 10:31:59 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2019-11-02 10:53:27 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2019-11-22 04:51:59 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2019-12-12 23:25:12 -0700   Articles/Blog/
2019-12-30 21:36:49 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2020-01-02 14:45:33 -0600   Articles/Blog/
2020-01-22 14:38:54 -0600   Articles/Blog/
2020-02-19 15:07:31 -0700   Articles/Blog/
2020-02-24 21:57:45 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2020-03-13 10:18:18 -0700   Articles/Blog/
2020-03-14 16:11:25 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2020-03-14 16:14:30 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2020-03-17 14:55:49 -0700   Articles/Blog/
2020-05-11 17:44:31 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2020-05-29 15:24:59 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2020-06-17 17:43:58 +0200   Articles/Blog/
2020-07-08 16:53:33 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2020-07-17 16:33:07 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2020-07-25 19:45:34 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2020-08-06 13:36:26 -0600   Articles/Blog/
2020-08-17 20:39:45 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2020-09-04 12:10:15 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2020-09-05 16:26:01 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2020-09-17 14:53:25 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2020-10-22 15:33:56 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2020-11-05 11:54:31 -0800   Articles/Blog/
2020-12-02 08:21:11 -0600   Articles/Blog/
2020-12-10 09:59:23 -0600   Articles/Blog/
2020-12-14 10:44:42 -0700   Articles/Blog/
2021-01-06 21:06:45 -0600   Articles/Blog/
2021-01-26 14:22:16 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2021-02-10 09:54:58 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2021-02-25 19:33:15 -0600   Articles/Blog/
2021-03-12 12:15:41 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2021-03-15 10:44:53 -0600   Articles/Blog/
2021-03-24 21:09:17 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2021-04-16 14:57:37 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2021-05-06 13:38:00 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2021-05-19 15:23:17 -0600   Articles/Blog/
2021-05-24 10:47:50 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2021-06-01 11:15:08 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2021-07-13 14:38:52 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2021-07-27 11:32:57 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2021-08-02 21:44:46 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2021-08-11 14:27:02 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2021-08-23 17:33:16 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2021-09-08 15:07:13 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2021-09-27 12:58:43 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2021-10-05 15:29:31 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2021-10-11 14:33:07 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2021-11-02 14:58:40 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2021-11-11 20:27:19 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2021-12-20 12:27:39 -0800   Articles/Blog/
2021-12-21 09:57:24 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2022-01-10 13:31:27 -0800   Articles/Blog/
2022-01-10 17:31:03 -0600   Articles/Blog/
2022-02-01 19:19:30 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2022-02-01 19:51:01 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2022-02-26 15:40:22 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2022-04-09 15:38:40 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2022-04-09 21:57:20 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2022-05-01 21:12:47 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2022-05-21 21:49:33 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2022-05-27 13:17:06 -0700   Articles/Blog/
2022-06-26 15:19:07 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2022-07-07 12:24:11 -0500   Articles/Blog/
2022-07-19 18:16:57 -0600   Articles/Blog/
2022-08-10 14:03:46 -0400   Articles/Blog/
2022-08-10 17:06:24 -0600   Articles/Blog/
2022-08-18 14:43:48 -0400   Articles/Blog/

I think if we examined these, we'd find earlier content was probably less technically oriented but over time more and more content has involved deeper technical stuff than the ole web log meaning of blog might have suggested. All that said, I think it all works as a modern blog.

bartlettroscoe commented 2 years ago

I wanted to get a list of the blog articles sorted by (approx) date they were added


FYI, I think if you use --first-parent you can see exactly the first time an given article was merged to the 'master' branch (and therefore published).

For example, this command shows the articles when they were first published to 'master' (with most recent articles at the top):

$ git log --pretty=format:'%cd' --name-status --first-parent -- Articles/Blog/ | grep -B 2 "^A" | grep -v "^--$"

which shows:

Wed Sep 14 19:54:12 2022 -0400
A       Articles/Blog/

Fri Aug 26 18:23:52 2022 -0400
A       Articles/Blog/

Mon Aug 15 05:13:01 2022 -0400
A       Articles/Blog/

Fri Aug 12 16:20:04 2022 -0400
A       Articles/Blog/

Mon Jul 25 13:29:30 2022 -0600
A       Articles/Blog/

Sun Jul 10 22:34:37 2022 -0400
A       Articles/Blog/

Thu Jun 30 10:21:03 2022 -0400
A       Articles/Blog/

Mon Jun 13 18:13:21 2022 -0400
A       Articles/Blog/

Thu May 26 13:14:57 2022 -0400
A       Articles/Blog/

Thu May 12 20:58:09 2022 -0400
A       Articles/Blog/

Thu Apr 28 17:41:34 2022 -0400
A       Articles/Blog/

Fri Apr 15 16:22:02 2022 -0400
A       Articles/Blog/

Sun Mar 27 14:54:40 2022 -0400
A       Articles/Blog/

Sat Mar 12 14:03:37 2022 -0500
A       Articles/Blog/

rinkug commented 1 year ago

This is under development at Parallactic

rinkug commented 1 year ago

We are working on introducting the concept of "Track" to highlight different types of articles. All "tracks" will lie under blog section. Following are the tracks being considered.

@bartlettroscoe will write a script to insert the following

markcmiller86 commented 1 year ago

I was about to make the comment that the articles about the Apollo Guidance Computer don't seem to fit the community experience label. But, I actually think they do fit that very nicely.

rinkug commented 9 months ago

This issue is being tracked via #1558 and is close to completion, hence its being closed