bevyengine / bevy

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Bevy can't render default shapes if `bevy_render` has `shader_format_glsl` enabled. #13232

Closed jimvdl closed 4 months ago

jimvdl commented 4 months ago

Bevy version


Relevant system information

Operating system: Windows 10. Rust version: 1.76.0

AdapterInfo { name: "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 3080", vendor: 4318, device: 8726, device_type: DiscreteGpu, driver: "NVIDIA", driver_info: "551.52", backend: Vulkan }

What you did

Minimal reproducible example: Cargo.toml

# package omitted

opt-level = 1

opt-level = 3

bevy = "0.13"
bevy_render = { version = "0.13", features = ["shader_format_glsl"] }

use bevy::prelude::*;

fn main() {
        .add_systems(Startup, setup)

fn setup(
    mut commands: Commands,
    mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
    mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
) {
    commands.spawn(MaterialMeshBundle {
        mesh: meshes.add(Cuboid::default()),
        transform: Transform::from_xyz(0.0, 0.5, 0.0),
        material: materials.add(Color::rgb(0., 0.5, 0.7)),

    commands.spawn(Camera3dBundle {
        transform: Transform::from_xyz(-2.0, 2.5, 5.0).looking_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y),

What went wrong

I can render GLTF models fine but once I replace that with a Cuboid::default I get the following panic:

thread 'Async Compute Task Pool (2)' panicked at C:\Users\Jim\.cargo\registry\src\\naga-0.19.2\src\back\glsl\
internal error: entered unreachable code
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace
thread 'Async Compute Task Pool (2)' panicked at C:\Users\Jim\.cargo\registry\src\\bevy_render-0.13.2\src\render_resource\
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: PoisonError { .. }
thread 'Async Compute Task Pool (1)' panicked at C:\Users\Jim\.cargo\registry\src\\bevy_render-0.13.2\src\render_resource\
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: PoisonError { .. }
Encountered a panic in system `bevy_render::render_resource::pipeline_cache::PipelineCache::process_pipeline_queue_system`!
thread 'Compute Task Pool (3)' panicked at C:\Users\Jim\.cargo\registry\src\\bevy_render-0.13.2\src\
called `Result::unwrap()` on an `Err` value: RecvError

In my bigger project I'm using GLSL to shade models that I've imported with GLTF, those work perfectly, the shader works and the models are correctly imported and displayed. The only thing that goes wrong is if you use either MaterialMeshBundle or PbrBundle with a basic shape mesh, then the above panic occurs.

I can't use bevy_render without shader_format_glsl because it's a required feature if you want to shade GLTF meshes with GLSL.

Additional information

I'm very new to all this, I've worked with Bevy before without needing any models or meshes (it was basically only a ECS backend) so it might be that I'm just doing something wrong.

if you disable the shader_format_glsl feature the above example compiles and runs fine.

rornic commented 4 months ago

I'm seeing the same error message using a PbrBundle with and without the extra bevy_render dependency.

Bevy 0.13.2

System info:

2024-05-04T18:11:11.728782Z  INFO bevy_render::renderer: AdapterInfo { name: "NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060", vendor: 4318, de
vice: 7944, device_type: DiscreteGpu, driver: "NVIDIA", driver_info: "552.12", backend: Vulkan }
2024-05-04T18:11:13.088476Z  INFO bevy_diagnostic::system_information_diagnostics_plugin::internal: SystemInfo { os: "Wi
ndows 10 Home", kernel: "19045", cpu: "AMD Ryzen 7 1700 Eight-Core Processor", core_count: "8", memory: "15.9 GiB" }
rornic commented 4 months ago

I played around with this a bit more and got it to start up by explicitly setting my rendering backend to OpenGL - it renders fine but with a bunch of errors.

2024-05-05T09:40:20.754652Z ERROR log: wgpu-hal heuristics assumed that the view dimension will be equal to `D2` rather than `D2Array`.
`D2` textures with `depth_or_array_layers == 1` are assumed to have view dimension `D2`
`D2` textures with `depth_or_array_layers > 1` are assumed to have view dimension `D2Array`
`D2` textures with `depth_or_array_layers == 6` are assumed to have view dimension `Cube`
`D2` textures with `depth_or_array_layers > 6 && depth_or_array_layers % 6 == 0` are assumed to have view dimension `CubeArray`



It continues to fail as before if I explicitly set the backend to vulkan and dx12.

@jimvdl can you see if that makes any difference for you?

jimvdl commented 4 months ago

For me no rendering happens, I have roughly the same errors but my GPU doesn't have full OpenGL support (it seems)

rornic commented 4 months ago

I got to the bottom of the error on my end. I was working on migrating an old project over to bevy -- I hadn't realised it was on 2018 Rust edition.

Upgrading to 2021 fixed it for me.

ozer commented 4 months ago

I'm also having the same problem on my Apple machine, it panics as shared above. The issue does not occur if I spawn only the camera or the ground but occurs when I spawn both of them. I'm also new to Bevy and the game development so, got no clues here.

Rust version: 1.78.0

2024-05-09T09:59:35.817984Z  INFO bevy_render::renderer: AdapterInfo { name: "Apple M2 Pro", vendor: 0, device: 0, device_type: IntegratedGpu, driver: "", driver_info: "", backend: Metal }
2024-05-09T09:59:36.299343Z  INFO bevy_winit::system: Creating new window "App" (0v1)
2024-05-09T09:59:36.335828Z  INFO bevy_diagnostic::system_information_diagnostics_plugin::internal: SystemInfo { os: "MacOS 14.4.1 ", kernel: "23.4.0", cpu: "Apple M2 Pro", core_count: "12", memory: "32.0 GiB" }


name = "agustos"
version = "0.1.0"
edition = "2021"

bevy = { version = "0.13.2", features = ["default"] }

fn main() {
        .add_systems(Startup, (spawn_camera, create_ground))

pub fn spawn_camera(mut commands: Commands) {
        Camera3dBundle {
            transform: Transform::from_xyz(-2., 2.5, 5.0)
                .looking_at(Vec3::ZERO, Vec3::Y),

pub fn create_ground(
    mut commands: Commands,
    mut meshes: ResMut<Assets<Mesh>>,
    mut materials: ResMut<Assets<StandardMaterial>>,
) {
    let floor = PbrBundle {
        mesh: meshes.add(Plane3d::default().mesh().size(50.0, 50.0)),
        material: materials.add(Color::DARK_GREEN),
bugsweeper commented 4 months ago

Some debugging info about reproducable example from issue description: Just before first panic there are some unassigned bindings processed

DEBUG naga::back::glsl: unassigned binding for Some("viewX_naga_oil_mod_XMJSXM6K7OBRHEOR2NVSXG2C7OZUWK527MJUW4ZDJNZTXGX")    
DEBUG naga::back::glsl: unassigned binding for Some("lightsX_naga_oil_mod_XMJSXM6K7OBRHEOR2NVSXG2C7OZUWK527MJUW4ZDJNZTXGX")    
DEBUG naga::back::glsl: unassigned binding for Some("point_lightsX_naga_oil_mod_XMJSXM6K7OBRHEOR2NVSXG2C7OZUWK527MJUW4ZDJNZTXGX")    
DEBUG naga::back::glsl: unassigned binding for Some("cluster_light_index_listsX_naga_oil_mod_XMJSXM6K7OBRHEOR2NVSXG2C7OZUWK527MJUW4ZDJNZTXGX")    
DEBUG naga::back::glsl: unassigned binding for Some("cluster_offsets_and_countsX_naga_oil_mod_XMJSXM6K7OBRHEOR2NVSXG2C7OZUWK527MJUW4ZDJNZTXGX")    
DEBUG naga::back::glsl: unassigned binding for Some("globalsX_naga_oil_mod_XMJSXM6K7OBRHEOR2NVSXG2C7OZUWK527MJUW4ZDJNZTXGX")    
DEBUG naga::back::glsl: unassigned binding for Some("fogX_naga_oil_mod_XMJSXM6K7OBRHEOR2NVSXG2C7OZUWK527MJUW4ZDJNZTXGX")    
DEBUG naga::back::glsl: unassigned binding for Some("light_probesX_naga_oil_mod_XMJSXM6K7OBRHEOR2NVSXG2C7OZUWK527MJUW4ZDJNZTXGX")    
DEBUG naga::back::glsl: unassigned binding for Some("visibility_rangesX_naga_oil_mod_XMJSXM6K7OBRHEOR2NVSXG2C7OZUWK527MJUW4ZDJNZTXGX")    
DEBUG naga::back::glsl: unassigned binding for Some("diffuse_environment_mapsX_naga_oil_mod_XMJSXM6K7OBRHEOR2NVSXG2C7OZUWK527MJUW4ZDJNZTXGX")

The last unassigned binding caused first panic. Looks like problem is deep in naga or naga_oil:

I don't know how it should be, so I don't know who does something wrong and where to dig. Maybe @rparrett or @robtfm knows better. I hope it helps.

robtfm commented 4 months ago

looks like this naga issue - binding arrays can't be used with emitted glsl. the binding arrays for the env maps are meant to be avoided by not adding them when the shader_format_glsl feature is enabled, but that check is in bevy_pbr, not in bevy_render.

i suspect you just need to either add the feature for bevy instead of bevy_render, or add it for bevy_pbr as well.

robtfm commented 4 months ago

i checked and the feature wasn't being passed through properly (either on 0.13 or on main). you'll need to manually add the feature to bevy_pbr's cargo.toml in 0.13 if you need support there.