beyond-all-reason / Beyond-All-Reason

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Underwater metal spots output hard with water quality set to high #1242

Open 6AKU66 opened 2 years ago

6AKU66 commented 2 years ago


Ruwetuin commented 2 years ago

i dont think this is fixable without it being rendered on top of screen/units

drivver44 commented 2 years ago

would it be possible to render mex rings and the metal value above the water?

6AKU commented 1 year ago

@Ruwetuin Maybe widget Highlight Selected Units GL4 have an answer for fixing this, since highlighting from that widget is not distorted by water.

lhog commented 1 year ago

I suggest to use wupdget:DrawWaterPost()

The best result will likely be if you draw the same thing twice: once as before and once again on top with DrawWaterPost() (with lower alpha/intensity). This is how I was doing with outline widget.

marcushutchings commented 1 year ago

Can you control the Y position of the text? If I understand correctly, the deeper the text is underwater, the stronger the effect. Could you set the Y pos to be a little under the water level for example to reduce the strength of the effect?

sprunk commented 1 year ago

Then the text is offset compared to the ground (becomes more confusing as to where to click properly in some cases, etc)