beyond-all-reason / teiserver

Middleware server for online gaming
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Rating restrictions in coop preset #336

Open L-e-x-o-n opened 3 weeks ago

L-e-x-o-n commented 3 weeks ago

Should rating restrictions even be allowed in coop preset?

Bots don't count in team count so for rating restriction purposes, team count of 1 can end in FFA rating restrictions. Rating restrictions should either not be allowed for coop games or bots should be counted in player count as if they were players when determining which rating restriction to use

jauggy commented 3 weeks ago

Relevant discord thread that brought this up:

Short term I think that if team size = 1, it should be treated as team size = 2. Even though it makes no sense to use PvP rating restrictions in PvE, apparently it was useful enough that one person decided to use it.

Also for anyone testing this locally, you may need to modify SPADS config to have a coop preset as mentioned in Discord.