There are a few gotchas about the current architecture for the UIs that we learned developing the service so far. It's mostly related to our usage of federated modules in conjunction with React's context.
There are also new workflows in place, aimed at improving the communication with UX and making the visuals consistent across the services.
What we need is a layered approach to the UIs, aimed at:
making the deploys safer
clarifying what should be done where (eg. visual components go on the app-services-ui-components)
clarifying which kind of testing needs to be done on each layer
allow cross-team collaboration by making the UIs easier to run and work with locally
There are a few gotchas about the current architecture for the UIs that we learned developing the service so far. It's mostly related to our usage of federated modules in conjunction with React's context.
There are also new workflows in place, aimed at improving the communication with UX and making the visuals consistent across the services.
What we need is a layered approach to the UIs, aimed at: