bhimavarapumurali / testAngular

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Python #3

Open bhimavarapumurali opened 7 months ago

bhimavarapumurali commented 7 months ago

using System; using Python.Runtime;

public class NLTKRephraser { public string RephraseSentence(string sentence) { using (Py.GIL()) // Acquire the Python GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) { dynamic module = Py.Import("rephrase_script"); dynamic rephraseFunction = module.rephrase_sentence;

        // Call the Python function and get the result
        string rephrasedSentence = rephraseFunction(sentence);

        return rephrasedSentence;


class Program { static void Main(string[] args) { using (Py.GIL()) // Acquire the Python GIL (Global Interpreter Lock) { NLTKRephraser rephraser = new NLTKRephraser(); string sentence = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog"; string rephrasedSentence = rephraser.RephraseSentence(sentence); Console.WriteLine("Original sentence: " + sentence); Console.WriteLine("Rephrased sentence: " + rephrasedSentence); } } }

from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize from nltk.corpus import wordnet import random

def get_synonyms(word): synonyms = [] for syn in wordnet.synsets(word): for lemma in syn.lemmas(): synonyms.append( return synonyms

def rephrase_sentence(sentence): tokens = word_tokenize(sentence) rephrased_sentence = []

for token in tokens:
    synonyms = get_synonyms(token)
    if synonyms:
        synonym = random.choice(synonyms)

return ' '.join(rephrased_sentence)
bhimavarapumurali commented 7 months ago

using IronPython.Hosting; using Microsoft.Scripting.Hosting; using System;

namespace NLTKRephraser { public class NLTKRephraser { public string RephraseSentence(string sentence) { // Create a Python engine ScriptEngine engine = Python.CreateEngine();

        // Execute the Python script

        // Get a reference to the function
        dynamic rephraseFunction = engine.GetVariable("rephrase_sentence");

        // Call the function and get the result
        string rephrasedSentence = rephraseFunction(sentence);

        return rephrasedSentence;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        NLTKRephraser rephraser = new NLTKRephraser();
        string sentence = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog";
        string rephrasedSentence = rephraser.RephraseSentence(sentence);
        Console.WriteLine("Original sentence: " + sentence);
        Console.WriteLine("Rephrased sentence: " + rephrasedSentence);


bhimavarapumurali commented 7 months ago

using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using System.Diagnostics;

namespace AutoCorrectAPI.Controllers { [Route("api/[controller]")] [ApiController] public class AutoCorrectController : ControllerBase { [HttpPost] public ActionResult CorrectSentence([FromBody] string inputSentence) { // Call the Python script string pythonScript = ""; string pythonExecutable = "python"; // or "python3" depending on your system

        ProcessStartInfo start = new ProcessStartInfo
            FileName = pythonExecutable,
            Arguments = $"{pythonScript} \"{inputSentence}\"",
            UseShellExecute = false,
            RedirectStandardOutput = true,
            RedirectStandardError = true,
            CreateNoWindow = true

        using (Process process = Process.Start(start))
            using (StreamReader reader = process.StandardOutput)
                string result = reader.ReadToEnd();
                return Ok(result); // Return the corrected sentence


bhimavarapumurali commented 6 months ago

Subject: Grateful for Your Mentorship

Dear [Former Manager's Name],

As I reflect on my journey, I am filled with gratitude for the incredible mentorship you provided during our time together. Your wisdom and support have had a profound impact on my professional development, and I am truly thankful for the opportunities you've given me.

Thank you for believing in me and for all that you've taught me.

With appreciation,

[Your Name]

bhimavarapumurali commented 6 months ago

Subject: Appreciation for Your Collaboration

Dear [Co-Manager's Name],

I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation for our collaboration and teamwork. Your dedication and support have made a significant difference in our shared projects and goals. Working alongside you has been both inspiring and rewarding, and I am grateful for the opportunity to learn from your expertise.

Thank you for your partnership and camaraderie.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

bhimavarapumurali commented 6 months ago

Subject: Gratitude for Your Leadership and Collaboration

Dear [Co-Manager's Name],

I wanted to extend my deepest gratitude for your exemplary leadership and collaborative spirit. Your guidance as our co-manager and your contributions to our design team have been invaluable. Your dedication to both roles inspires me and enriches our collective efforts.

Thank you for your unwavering support and the positive impact you bring to our team.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

bhimavarapumurali commented 6 months ago

Subject: Heartfelt Appreciation for Your Dedication

Dear Team,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to express my sincere appreciation for your unwavering dedication and hard work in completing our deliverables. Your commitment to excellence and your tireless efforts do not go unnoticed.

Each one of you plays an integral role in our team's success, and I am truly grateful for your contributions. Your passion and determination inspire me, and I am honored to work alongside such a talented group of individuals.

Thank you for your continued dedication and for going above and beyond to achieve our goals. Let's continue to collaborate and support each other as we strive for excellence together.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

bhimavarapumurali commented 6 months ago

Subject: Appreciation for Your Guidance as Scrum Master

Dear [Scrum Master's Name],

I wanted to take a moment to express my gratitude for your guidance and leadership as our Scrum Master. Your dedication to our team's success and your ability to facilitate our agile processes have been instrumental in our achievements.

Your commitment to fostering collaboration, transparency, and continuous improvement is truly inspiring. Thank you for your tireless efforts in keeping our projects on track and for your unwavering support in overcoming challenges together.

Your role as our Scrum Master is invaluable, and I appreciate all that you do for the team.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

bhimavarapumurali commented 6 months ago

Subject: Gratitude for Navigating the Transition to Scrum

Dear [Scrum Master's Name],

I wanted to extend my heartfelt appreciation for your leadership and expertise during our transition from Kanban to Scrum. Your dedication to ensuring a smooth and successful transition has been truly commendable.

Your guidance throughout this process has been invaluable, helping us understand and embrace the principles of Scrum effectively. Your patience, support, and willingness to address our concerns have made the transition much smoother for the entire team.

Thank you for your commitment to our growth and improvement. We are fortunate to have you leading us through this transition and beyond.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

bhimavarapumurali commented 6 months ago

To design the Developer Assist component as described, here's a high-level overview of its architecture and functionalities:

  1. User Authentication and Access Control:

    • Implement user authentication to ensure only authorized users can submit components or access certain features.
    • Use role-based access control to manage permissions for different user roles.
  2. Submission Module:

    • Allow developers to submit components, libraries, or APIs through a user-friendly interface.
    • Support metadata input for submitted items such as name, description, language, tags, etc.
    • Integrate validation mechanisms to ensure quality and completeness of submissions.
  3. Intelligent Search System:

    • Implement a robust search functionality with advanced filtering options.
    • Utilize natural language processing (NLP) techniques to enhance search accuracy and relevance.
    • Implement a recommendation engine to suggest best-matched components based on user input and past usage patterns.
  4. Landing Page:

    • Develop a visually appealing landing page using Angular for UI development.
    • Display top contributors to the application to recognize their contributions.
    • Showcase trending repositories and charts to provide insights into submission trends.
    • Utilize Angular Material or other UI libraries for efficient UI development.
  5. Backend Architecture:

    • Use .NET Core for the middleware layer to handle business logic, authentication, authorization, and communication with the database.
    • Implement RESTful APIs to facilitate communication between the frontend and backend.
    • Utilize dependency injection for better modularity and testability of backend components.
    • Implement caching mechanisms to improve performance, especially for search queries.
  6. Database Design:

    • Utilize PostgreSQL as the database management system.
    • Design a schema to store information about submitted components, users, tags, etc.
    • Utilize appropriate indexing and normalization techniques to optimize database performance.
  7. Monitoring and Analytics:

    • Integrate logging mechanisms to track user activities and system events.
    • Implement monitoring solutions to ensure system stability and performance.
    • Utilize analytics tools to gather insights into user behavior, submission trends, and search patterns.
  8. Scalability and Deployment:

    • Design the system to be horizontally scalable to handle increasing loads.
    • Utilize containerization (e.g., Docker) for easy deployment and scalability.
    • Employ Kubernetes or similar orchestration tools for managing containerized applications.
  9. Security Considerations:

    • Implement HTTPS for secure communication between clients and servers.
    • Use secure coding practices to prevent common vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), etc.
    • Regularly update dependencies and libraries to mitigate security risks.
  10. Documentation and Support:

    • Provide comprehensive documentation for developers on how to use the Developer Assist component.
    • Offer support channels for users to report issues, ask questions, and provide feedback.

By following this high-level design, the Developer Assist component can effectively support developers in submitting and discovering components, libraries, and APIs across the organization while ensuring security, scalability, and usability.