Abstract titles should be brief and reflect the content of the abstract
The title (maximum 150 characters) is important since it focuses attention (it is the “showcase” for the presentation).
Do not use capital letters in the title except for words that are always capitalised and do not use non-standard abbreviations.
Prospective clinical trials should be identified as such in the title of the abstract (include The National Clinical Trial number when applicable)
Abstracts are limited to 400 words.
Abstracts should be structured in such a way as to include:
References (not included in word count but limited to 750 characters including spaces)
Up to two images may be uploaded in an abstract in JPG or PNG formats. These uploads are not included in the word count. The maximum pixel size of an image is 600(w) x 800(h) pixel. Larger images will not be properly visible in the abstract and reveiwers will not be abe to assess the content appropriately. Please ensure the content of the image is readable at this size.
A single image can contain a data table or a set (2-3) of related figures but must not contain multiple items.
Abstracts with excessive image content or outsized images will be penalised during the review process.