bhushan6 / babylon-msdf-text

library to render text in Babylon js using MSDF technique
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Use Babylon MeshBuilder Param Scheme #2

Open dsaffo opened 1 year ago

dsaffo commented 1 year ago

Hello, first of all awesome work!

I think it could be really helpful to use the mesh builder param scheme to keep things consistent with the way nodes are generated in Babylon.

for example: createTextMesh(name: string, options: {}, scene: Scene)

Also if scene is required you don't need to require engine as you can call scene.getEngine() instead.

bhushan6 commented 1 year ago

Hi, Thanks man!

Yeah, that makes sense. Thanks for feedback, will resolve it.

When I made this I didn’t know about scene.getEngine() and when I found out, I was too lazy to make changes 🥲