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Add Always on during Print #59

Open maxxe88 opened 2 months ago

maxxe88 commented 2 months ago

It would be great to have a setting where the display stays on during a print and then goes back to the set time afterward.

Slider99 commented 2 months ago

I dont think this is a good idea, so I am printing something that takes 3 days and the display would stay on? What about screen burn in?

maxxe88 commented 2 months ago

So firstly, the "Always On" function already exists, and secondly, you don't have to use it. There are surely people whose prints don't take as long, for example, me. Mine usually take between 3-5 hours on average.

Gubbfittan commented 4 weeks ago

Or there could be a function for always on where the display flips between settings with a selectable duration. like a screensaver