bikebrigade / dispatch

Bike Brigade's dispatching software! 🚴
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Special case around community fridges #380

Open mveytsman opened 1 month ago

mveytsman commented 1 month ago

From Michelle:

Last year, i asked people's preference and then tried to assign people based on that + how much capacity the fridges can handle - like we can send a couple small/medium riders to one fridge but unless it's brock, we don't want to end up with a couple trailers to one fridge?

Suggestion from @chadmohr

One easy way to achieve some of the needs would be to exclude market/fridge runs from the automated riders needed CTA on the Home screen. That way tasks could be added for all fridges without messing up the widget.

I think the underlying issue here is that our model is based on delivering discrete items (e.g. food hampers) to addresses, with each address geting a fixed amount (usually one). Community Fridges is different in that we're fanning out a big load of groceries to the fridges. In practice we will sometimes even decide who goes to what fridge on site.

In some sense it's more about total rider capacity needed - which chad's suggestion is about - we want to be able to fill a roster with riders and not specifgy specific fridges exactly.

See also #379 which is related.