bill-auger / av-caster

A light-weight native gStreamer GUI for screencast, webcam, and audio recording and streaming
87 stars 15 forks source link

website design #41

Open bill-auger opened 8 years ago

designuiru commented 8 years ago


bill-auger commented 8 years ago

i see what you are suggesting and it is very attractive but it was probably not necessary for you to produce that image - you could have simply suggested the site uses the new mobile-centric style with vertical "swiping" layout and i could have imagined exactly what the image above suggested because all such websites look and behave exactly the same - personally i find them to be utterly lacking in imagination but they do seem to be very popular so i am not rejecting the proposal out-of-hand

generally speaking - the biggest issue i have with this style of landing page is that they very rarely offer any important information - all you typically see on these landing pages are bold but vague claims such as "its the greatest thing ever", "try it - its easy", and "look at these important people who use it" but rarely do they answer the most common questions such as "what is this?", "what does it actually do?", and "what does this 'whatever-it-is' offer that the others do not?"

take the image above as an example - is there any indication as to what the av-caster program actually does? the only hints are "start broadcasting" and "your personal broadcasting service" which are most mis-leading than informative - also i would add that except for the download button the only things i see on that image that would be useful to me as a visitor to that site would be the links (that hopefully would lead to the actual information about the program before i bothered to download it) but these are at the very bottom of the page 5000 pixels deep

all the above was speaking generally from the perspective of a visitor to the site - as the project lead i would have to point out that most of what the image above suggested does not exist in reality - it has not been reviewed by CNN for example (or anyone) so that obligatory "testimonials" section would actually be empty - i can not think of any reason to have a login system on the site so sections such as the one labeled "Easy" would also be devoid of value - just 1000px of fluff - again it is clear what you are suggesting though and i guess we would need to create some more support materials (such as screen-shots, demos, tutorials) to fill out these fluff sections

the reason i deleted this submission was that it included corporate logos presumably without permission and stock clip-art by some third-party that was not sourced or credited - please follow the contribution guidelines

designuiru commented 8 years ago

ok , make update in weekend