Closed billmania closed 1 year ago
v4l2py Python module
Can identify USB cameras and their /dev/video device file
picamera2 Python module and python3-libcamera, libcamera-dev, libcap-dev apt packages
Can identify RaspPi CSI cameras
fswebcam ubuntu package
Capture a frame from a USB web cam. Won't work with the ArduCam.
fswebcam -r 640x480 --no-banner --device /dev/video4 /tmp/video4.jpg
v4l2-ctl to probe and configure cameras Seems to find all cameras, but will require some work to make the output programmatically useful.
v4l2-ctl -d 0 -D Doesn't work.
arducam node The running node has devices 0, 13, 14, 15, and 16 open
apt install ros-humble-usb-cam With CSI camera connected and camera_ros node running:
root@rq-23eb:/usr/src/ros2ws# ros2 run usb_cam usb_cam_node_exe
[INFO] [1700189288.995431722] [usb_cam]: camera_name value: default_cam
[WARN] [1700189288.995809063] [usb_cam]: framerate: 30.000000
[INFO] [1700189289.001898577] [usb_cam]: using default calibration URL
[INFO] [1700189289.002166194] [usb_cam]: camera calibration URL: file:///root/.ros/camera_info/default_cam.yaml
[ERROR] [1700189289.002369976] [camera_calibration_parsers]: Unable to open camera calibration file [/root/.ros/camera_info/default_cam.yaml]
[WARN] [1700189289.002564776] [usb_cam]: Camera calibration file /root/.ros/camera_info/default_cam.yaml not found
[INFO] [1700189289.002654741] [usb_cam]: Starting 'default_cam' (/dev/video0) at 640x480 via mmap (yuyv) at 30 FPS
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'char*'
[ros2run]: Aborted
usb_cam won't support the ArduCam. Will camera_ros support plain USB cameras?
When only a single CSI camera is connected, without any USB cams, it works fine and has the following devices open:
camera_no 303 root 28uW CHR 238,1 0t0 61 /dev/media1
camera_no 303 root 29uW CHR 238,2 0t0 62 /dev/media2
camera_no 303 root 30u CHR 253,1 0t0 22 /dev/dma_heap/linux,cma
camera_no 303 root 31u CHR 81,21 0t0 181 /dev/v4l-subdev0
camera_no 303 root 32u CHR 81,20 0t0 231 /dev/video6
camera_no 303 root 33u CHR 81,2 0t0 216 /dev/video13
camera_no 303 root 34u CHR 81,3 0t0 217 /dev/video14
camera_no 303 root 35u CHR 81,4 0t0 218 /dev/video15
camera_no 303 root 36u CHR 81,5 0t0 219 /dev/video16
ros2 run usb_cam usb_cam_node_exe --ros-args -p video_device:=/dev/video0 -p framerate:=10.0 -p camera_name:=video0 -r image_raw:=video0_raw
ros2 run usb_cam usb_cam_node_exe --ros-args -p video_device:=/dev/video4 -p framerate:=10.0 -p camera_name:=video4 -r image_raw:=video4_raw will probe the CSI and USB to find cameras. It writes the file ${OS_PERSIST}/cameras_info with the details. A script is added to roboquest_core/scripts/ which will rebuild install/roboquest_core/share/roboquest_core/config/*camera.yaml before calling ros2 launch.
The following template files are required:
For each hardware camera present a parameter file will be created and placed in the "install" config directory. For each hardware camera present a launch Node object definition will be created and added to the single "install"
I'm able to detect the presence or absence of one CSI camera and up to three USB cameras. I can also get frames from any collection of USB cameras. However, when there are both CSI and USB cameras connected, I can get frames from the USB but NOT from the CSI camera. If there's only a CSI camera connected, I can get frames from it.
The camera_node from the camera_ros package can retrieve and publish frames from a non-CSI, USB camera! It can publish from multiple cameras when both CSI and USB are connected.
ros2 run camera_ros camera_node --ros-args -p camera:=1 -r /camera/image_raw:=/camera/image_1_raw -r /camera/image_raw/compressed:=/camera/image_1_raw/compressed
ros2 run camera_ros camera_node \
--ros-args \
--params-file src/roboquest_core/config/rq_camera0.yaml
NB It appears the ROS parameter "FrameDurationLimits: [ 100000, 100000 ]" is not, and maybe never was, supported.
This capability is required for rq_ui Issue 121 Provide support for 0 to 1 ArduCams and 0 to 3 USB cameras, simultaneously. Probe the hardware at startup for the usable cameras. For those cameras identified, provide their video frames in a way which can be consumed and displayed by the browser UI, but only from one camera at a time. The choice of which camera's frames to display in the browser UI will be made at run-time by the browser UI.