biocore / emperor

Emperor a tool for the analysis and visualization of large microbial ecology datasets
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Closed sneumann closed 1 year ago

sneumann commented 1 year ago

Hi, the GNPS team is using Emperor to visualise Metabolites There is the "visibility" filter to (de)select species based on NCBITaxonomy. I can only enable/disable one species at a time, which is rather impractical for hundreds of species => Tabs such as "Visibility" could have a button to delect / deselect all Yours, Steffen

sneumann commented 1 year ago

Ah, seems that was added in Emperor 1.0.3-dev as mentioned in The GNPS folks use 1.0.1. => Is there a guesstimate for the 1.0.4 release date ? Or is 1.0.3-dev currently stable enough for an update on a production site ? That would help to adress Yours, Steffen

ElDeveloper commented 1 year ago

I just pushed out a release for 1.0.4 - thanks for the reminder. And thanks to @antgonza for merging the release string PR.