Open mbaroukhcw opened 2 months ago
The vscode extension reports errors that the cli version of biome does not report
I made a minimal reproduction case here :
when running
$ ./node_modules/.bin/biome lint Checked 5 files in 1405Β΅s. No fixes applied.
there is no error.
But in vscode, I have an false error in the types.d.ts file
no error in the IDE.
βββbiome_lsp::handlers::analysis::code_actions{uri=file:///home/mbaroukh/Documents/projets/sandbox/issuebiome/src/types.d.ts, range=Range { start: Position { line: 2, character: 1 }, end: Position { line: 2, character: 1 } }, only=None, diagnostics=[]} ββ 0ms DEBUG biome_service::workspace::server File capabilities: Js(JsFileSource { language: TypeScript { definition_file: false }, variant: Standard, module_kind: Module, version: ES2022, embedding_kind: None }) BiomePath { path: "/home/mbaroukh/Documents/projets/sandbox/issuebiome/src/types.d.ts" } ββ 0ms DEBUG biome_service::workspace The file has the following feature sets: β {Format: Supported, OrganizeImports: Supported, Search: FileNotSupported, Lint: Supported} ββ 0ms DEBUG biome_lsp::handlers::analysis Cursor range 33..33 ββ 0ms DEBUG biome_service::workspace::server File capabilities: Js(JsFileSource { language: TypeScript { definition_file: false }, variant: Standard, module_kind: Module, version: ES2022, embedding_kind: None }) BiomePath { path: "/home/mbaroukh/Documents/projets/sandbox/issuebiome/src/types.d.ts" } βββbiome_service::file_handlers::javascript::code_actions{} βββbiome_service::file_handlers::javascript::Code actions JavaScript{range=33..33, path=BiomePath { path: "/home/mbaroukh/Documents/projets/sandbox/issuebiome/src/types.d.ts" }} βββ βββ ββ 0ms DEBUG biome_lsp::handlers::analysis Pull actions result: PullActionsResult { actions: [] } ββ 0ms DEBUG biome_lsp::handlers::analysis Suggested actions: β [] βββ βββbiome_lsp::handlers::analysis::code_actions{uri=file:///home/mbaroukh/Documents/projets/sandbox/issuebiome/src/types.d.ts, range=Range { start: Position { line: 0, character: 5 }, end: Position { line: 0, character: 9 } }, only=Some([CodeActionKind("quickfix")]), diagnostics=[Diagnostic { range: Range { start: Position { line: 0, character: 5 }, end: Position { line: 0, character: 9 } }, severity: Some(Error), code: Some(String("lint/correctness/noUnusedVariables")), code_description: Some(CodeDescription { href: Url { scheme: "https", cannot_be_a_base: false, username: "", password: None, host: Some(Domain("")), port: None, path: "/linter/rules/no-unused-variables", query: None, fragment: None } }), source: Some("biome"), message: "This type alias is unused.", related_information: None, tags: None, data: None }]} ββ 0ms DEBUG biome_service::workspace::server File capabilities: Js(JsFileSource { language: TypeScript { definition_file: false }, variant: Standard, module_kind: Module, version: ES2022, embedding_kind: None }) BiomePath { path: "/home/mbaroukh/Documents/projets/sandbox/issuebiome/src/types.d.ts" } ββ 0ms DEBUG biome_service::workspace The file has the following feature sets: β {Lint: Supported, OrganizeImports: Supported, Format: Supported, Search: FileNotSupported} ββ 0ms DEBUG biome_lsp::handlers::analysis Cursor range 5..9 ββ 0ms DEBUG biome_service::workspace::server File capabilities: Js(JsFileSource { language: TypeScript { definition_file: false }, variant: Standard, module_kind: Module, version: ES2022, embedding_kind: None }) BiomePath { path: "/home/mbaroukh/Documents/projets/sandbox/issuebiome/src/types.d.ts" } βββbiome_service::file_handlers::javascript::code_actions{} βββbiome_service::file_handlers::javascript::Code actions JavaScript{range=5..9, path=BiomePath { path: "/home/mbaroukh/Documents/projets/sandbox/issuebiome/src/types.d.ts" }} ββ 0ms DEBUG biome_rowan::ast::batch pushing change... βββ βββ ββ 0ms DEBUG biome_lsp::handlers::analysis Pull actions result: PullActionsResult { actions: [CodeAction { category: Other("quickfix.suppressRule"), rule_name: Some(("correctness", "noUnusedVariables")), suggestion: CodeSuggestion { span: 0..5, applicability: Always, msg: "Suppress rule lint/correctness/noUnusedVariables", suggestion: TextEdit { dictionary: "// biome-ignore lint/correctness/noUnusedVariables: <explanation>\ntype User = {\n email: string\n}", ops: [DiffOp(Insert { range: 0..66 }), DiffOp(Equal { range: 66..71 }), DiffOp(Equal { range: 71..99 })] }, labels: [] } }] } ββ 0ms DEBUG biome_lsp::handlers::analysis Suggested actions: β [CodeAction(CodeAction { title: "Suppress rule lint/correctness/noUnusedVariables", kind: Some(CodeActionKind("quickfix.suppressRule.biome.correctness.noUnusedVariables")), diagnostics: Some([Diagnostic { range: Range { start: Position { line: 0, character: 5 }, end: Position { line: 0, character: 9 } }, severity: Some(Error), code: Some(String("lint/correctness/noUnusedVariables")), code_description: Some(CodeDescription { href: Url { scheme: "https", cannot_be_a_base: false, username: "", password: None, host: Some(Domain("")), port: None, path: "/linter/rules/no-unused-variables", query: None, fragment: None } }), source: Some("biome"), message: "This type alias is unused.", related_information: None, tags: None, data: None }]), edit: Some(WorkspaceEdit { changes: Some({Url { scheme: "file", cannot_be_a_base: false, username: "", password: None, host: None, port: None, path: "/home/mbaroukh/Documents/projets/sandbox/issuebiome/src/types.d.ts", query: None, fragment: None }: [TextEdit { range: Range { start: Position { line: 0, character: 0 }, end: Position { line: 0, character: 0 } }, new_text: "// biome-ignore lint/correctness/noUnusedVariables: <explanation>\n" }]}), document_changes: None, change_annotations: None }), command: None, is_preferred: None, disabled: None, data: None })] βββ ββ1183m INFO biome_lsp::server Starting Biome Language Server... βββbiome_lsp::server::biome/rage{params=RageParams} βββ
VS Code version
Extension version
Biome version
Operating system
The vscode extension reports errors that the cli version of biome does not report
Steps to reproduce
I made a minimal reproduction case here :
when running
there is no error.
But in vscode, I have an false error in the types.d.ts file
Expected behavior
no error in the IDE.
Does this issue occur when using the CLI directly?
Link to a minimal reproduction