biomejs / biome

A toolchain for web projects, aimed to provide functionalities to maintain them. Biome offers formatter and linter, usable via CLI and LSP.
Apache License 2.0
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📎 ESLint Migration reporter #3397

Open Conaclos opened 4 months ago

Conaclos commented 4 months ago


3282 suggests introducing a way to get structured data about which rules were migrated and which were not.

We could expose a new CLI option --reporter to emit a report that output this kind of information. We could support a JSON output. I am not sure if we need another reporter. However, using a --reporter option makes the interface consistent with other commands that also use the reporter concept.

❯ biome migrate eslint --reporter=json
    // format to define
luixo commented 2 months ago

The discussion that initially set this issue:

You said that

An earlier version of the ESLint migrator displayed the rules that were not migrated. However, this was too much noise for the user, I decided to remove it.

Was this code ever committed? If so - it might be not so hard to get the functionality back. Having a tool to check how complete biome is to the current eslint setup might be a game changer for those in doubt of migrating.