Open cdenison527 opened 3 weeks ago
Hello there,
I'm afraid the functions work the opposite way... Files are saved directly on hard drive, and you can even ask to not keep them loaded on memory when it is really heavy. But we do not provide the other case...
Sorry for the inconvenience, I hope you find a way to still perfom your modelling 🤞
I am hoping to use an ensemble SDM from biomod2 into an application where it is not desirable to write projections or other files to hard drive.
Is there a way to bypass this feature so that the model projections are stored on local memory only?
See example code below, where my pre-defined model and new environmental data are loaded and used to make a projection. Currently, this writes a file to the hard drive and I would like to know if that feature can be disabled so that results are stored in local memory only.
load pre-defined ensemble model
load new env data for projection
Project ensemble model
myBiomodEMProj <- BIOMOD_EnsembleForecasting(bm.em = myBiomodEM, = 'CurrentEM', new.env = env[,c("Drainage_Area","slope", "bio_1","PctForWs","PctUrb2021Cat")], new.env.xy = env[,c("Long","Lat")], models.chosen = 'all', metric.binary = 'all', metric.filter = 'all')
Thank you.