The reason I'd like to see this (or something to the same effect) is to perhaps use more complex Scripting triggers to control when a base spawns and when it stops. Scenarios include, arrival of reinforcements, start of advance (start), base being over run, airfield/warehouse or objective being captured(stop)
Currently we can have a finite limit or a rate of respawning, but not an absolute start/stop that I know of.
It would be a step towards the goal of warehousing, simply triggering things.
The reason I'd like to see this (or something to the same effect) is to perhaps use more complex Scripting triggers to control when a base spawns and when it stops. Scenarios include, arrival of reinforcements, start of advance (start), base being over run, airfield/warehouse or objective being captured(stop)
Currently we can have a finite limit or a rate of respawning, but not an absolute start/stop that I know of.
It would be a step towards the goal of warehousing, simply triggering things.