bitemyapp / esqueleto

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Union query fails when table contains JSON field #274

Closed jezen closed 3 years ago

jezen commented 3 years ago


Using esqueleto-

Persistent entity definition

Mailpiece sql=mailpieces
  Id UUID default=uuid_generate_v4()
  title Text
  description Textarea
  pages PageList
  -- Path to image file on S3
  thumbnail Text Maybe
  createdAt UTCTime default=now()
  -- Which of the two following fields have a value depends on whether or not
  -- the user was authenticated when creating the mailpiece.
  createdBy UserId Maybe
  unverifiedCreatedBy Email Maybe
  -- TODO: Do without generics
  deriving Generic

Instances for persisting that PageList type

instance PersistFieldSql PageList where
  sqlType _ = SqlOther "json"

instance PersistField PageList where
  toPersistValue = toPersistValueJSON
  fromPersistValue = fromPersistValueJSON

Table description in psql

                                  Table "public.mailpieces"
        Column         |           Type           | Collation | Nullable |      Default
 id                    | uuid                     |           | not null | uuid_generate_v4()
 pages                 | json                     |           | not null |
 title                 | character varying        |           | not null |
 description           | character varying        |           | not null |
 thumbnail             | character varying        |           |          |
 created_at            | timestamp with time zone |           | not null | now()
 created_by            | uuid                     |           |          |
 unverified_created_by | character varying        |           |          |
    "mailpieces_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (id)

My union query

getMailpiecesForEmail :: Email -> DB [Entity Mailpiece]
getMailpiecesForEmail email = select $ do
  results <- from $
      (mailpieces :& user) <-
        from $ Table @Mailpiece `InnerJoin` Table @User
        `on` (\(m :& u) -> m^.MailpieceCreatedBy ==. just (u^.UserId))
      where_ $ user^.UserEmail ==. val email
      pure mailpieces
      mailpieces <- from $ Table @Mailpiece
      where_ $ mailpieces^.MailpieceUnverifiedCreatedBy ==. just (val email)
      pure mailpieces
  orderBy [ desc (results^.MailpieceCreatedAt) ]
  pure results

The runtime failure

2021-07-15 09:01:57.496 EEST [44514] ERROR:  could not identify an equality operator for type json at character 269
2021-07-15 09:01:57.496 EEST [44514] STATEMENT:  SELECT
        FROM (
   AS v_id,
            mailpieces.title AS v_title,
            mailpieces.description AS v_description,
            mailpieces.pages AS v_pages,
            mailpieces.thumbnail AS v_thumbnail,
            mailpieces.created_at AS v_created_at,
            mailpieces.created_by AS v_created_by,
            mailpieces.unverified_created_by AS v_unverified_created_by
          FROM mailpieces
          INNER JOIN users ON mailpieces.created_by =
          WHERE = ''
   AS v_id,
            mailpieces2.title AS v_title,
            mailpieces2.description AS v_description,
            mailpieces2.pages AS v_pages,
            mailpieces2.thumbnail AS v_thumbnail,
            mailpieces2.created_at AS v_created_at,
            mailpieces2.created_by AS v_created_by,
            mailpieces2.unverified_created_by AS v_unverified_created_by
          FROM mailpieces AS mailpieces2
          WHERE mailpieces2.unverified_created_by = ''
        ) AS u
        ORDER BY u.v_created_at DESC;
ERROR:  could not identify an equality operator for type json
LINE 15:     mailpieces.pages AS v_pages,
jezen commented 3 years ago

As it turns out, this is not an issue with Esqueleto, and is instead just because PostgreSQL doesn't know how to compare json fields. Allowing duplicate results with unionAll_ works around this.

Given this is a non-issue, I will close this.