bitshares / bitshares-core

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Make better use of multi-core servers #1079

Open pmconrad opened 6 years ago

pmconrad commented 6 years ago

User Story As a node operator I want to make better use of my server hardware so that my server can process more transactions per second.

Impacts Describe which portion(s) of BitShares Core may be impacted by your request. Please tick at least one box.

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@clockworkgr discovered this attempt to parallelize signature verification:

I think a better approach would be to extract the crypto calculations from the database thread out into the network layers, i. e. handle the signature->pubkey conversion in the P2P and API layers. Keep in mind that a witness has will apply a given transaction three times when signing a block:

The abovementioned patch doesn't help with steps 1 + 2.


pmconrad commented 6 years ago

General remark: I think we need a "Performance" epic - #982 belongs into the same category.

jmjatlanta commented 6 years ago

Someone has invaded my head. I spent a good chunk of last night reading and pondering some of the same ideas. The big question that kept coming up as I thought about implementations was "would this be faster, or slower?"

Web servers have SSL offloading, which can be dedicated hardware that handles the SSL encryption/decryption, so the real server can serve pages. But we need authentication on both sides ("client side authentication" in web-speak).

An intermediate step is giving peers the option to talk over an encrypted, verified channel. Part of the handshake verifies public keys and negotiates stream ciphers. While negotiation is painful up front, subsequent communication is less-so.

We could centralize (and perhaps optimize) signature verification by moving the incoming data through the verification step on the way in, and marking the internal representation of that data as "signed and verified by public key X". Perhaps there would be no more signature verification needed.

Warning... Going off topic here... Off topic, I know, but a possible side advantage is a "web of trust" that develops. Connections using a certain public key and a secure connection could be eligible for extra privileges. An example: Would it help to know that the server you are talking to is one of the active witness nodes? Are there optimizations we can do if we know for sure that we are talking to one? Comparing the public key they gave us to our list of public keys can help with that.

What if we want to only connect to a white list of servers? We can do that if we know (with a good amount of confidence) who is on the other side.

Another optimization is specialized protocols. Incoming blocks can quickly be routed somewhere different than incoming heartbeats, or connection requests, or ....

Back on topic (somewhat)...

There's a lot of possible optimizations here. But I keep bubbling back up to my original question. "Would this be faster or slower?" The current p2p code has some metrics. I think we're going to have to give that a hard look, gather stats (especially what kind of process is currently slowing our throughput), and spend some time in the laboratory.

bangzi1001 commented 6 years ago

Does utilize multi-core able to solve Missing blocks due to high latency of maintenance block?

pmconrad commented 6 years ago

@jmjatlanta there's a difference between client and/or P2P connections and transaction signature verification. Similar to sending PGP-encrypted email through an TLS-protected SMTP connection (that's routed through a VPN tunnel if you want). :-) They are different communication layers where encryption / authentication plays different roles.

P2P connections are already encrypted, but there is no authentication happening yet. Interesting topic, but out of scope here.

We could centralize (and perhaps optimize) signature verification by moving the incoming data through the verification step on the way in, and marking the internal representation of that data as "signed and verified by public key X".

This! ("centralize" in the sense of software code, it could be done "decentralized" in the sense of multi-core and perhaps as a future step in the sense of multi-server).

"Would this be faster or slower?" The current p2p code has some metrics. I think we're going to have to give that a hard look, gather stats (especially what kind of process is currently slowing our throughput), and spend some time in the laboratory.

Full ACK!

jmjatlanta commented 6 years ago

Does utilize multi-core able to solve Missing blocks due to high latency of maintenance block?

@bangzi1001 It would certainly help.

I would like to set up some kind of lab. I've got a fairly slow machine in NY, and a few around here. I'm hoping to develop some kind of testing framework that closely mimics the block producing process, and use it and a variety of machines to gather some metrics. We may already have such a framework, or at least the beginnings of one.

pmconrad commented 6 years ago

Currently applying some optimizations I've discovered during the research for my BitFest presentation. Also working on off-loading crypto stuff into separate threads.

pmconrad commented 5 years ago

Moving to december release since only partially resolved at this time.

abitmore commented 5 years ago


pmconrad commented 5 years ago

Depends. We could treat this as an Epic and leave it open. Or we declare this done via #1360 and create new issues for future improvements. I'm not currently working on anything related, so I'd be ok with closing it now.

ryanRfox commented 5 years ago

@pmconrad and @abitmore I'm not sure what to do with this Issue at this time. I believe #1360 addresses some of this. I like the idea of treating it as an epic and modifying the Description to track related Issues/PRs.

@michelsantos Please ensure you consider this in your Release Notes.

Shall I remove it from the finished Feature Release and add it to (next) Feature Release for further consideration?

MichelSantos commented 5 years ago

@MichelSantos Please ensure you consider this in your Release Notes.

@ryanRfox This is currently referenced in the Release Notes for the 201902 Feature Release

pmconrad commented 5 years ago

Not sure either. Yes, #1360 addresses some of it, but the scope of this issue is supposed to be broader than #1360 alone. There are no additional related changes in the works, so I think "next feature release" is too optimistic. Maybe best to put it in the backlog.