bkhpanigha / hh-suttas

HH Suttas (Development)
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Some translation verses don't respect the usual format #220

Closed Reptilioo closed 3 weeks ago

Reptilioo commented 3 weeks ago

Some verses don't end with a space like in sn36.6: https://github.com/bkhpanigha/hh-suttas/blob/d6b9f557257dd2c4313945028e43f210865b0ab3/suttas/translation_en/sn/sn36/sn36.6_translation-en-anigha.json#L53-L62

I'm putting it as an issue because it is going to impact the soon coming advanced-search utility.

Reptilioo commented 3 weeks ago

I rather just modified the code to take that into account.