blackuy / react-native-twilio-video-webrtc

Twilio Video (WebRTC) for React Native
MIT License
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In Ios Participant Video is not visible #598

Closed vishallovecode closed 2 years ago

vishallovecode commented 2 years ago

Steps to reproduce

Participant_1 => In any another platform web(chrome or safari) app(ios and android) Participant_2 => In Ios app

  1. Initiate a call from Participant_1
  2. Call will be connected to Participant_2
  3. Participant_2 is not able to see Participant_1 video in 80% times. Blank screen is Visible.

Expected behaviour

Participant_2 should be able to see the Participant_1 video as expected

Actual behaviour

Participant_2 is not able to see the Participant_1 Video 80% times 20% times Participant_2 can see the Participant_1 Video


react-native-twilio-video-webrtc => git+"

Version: git+" @slycoder Please help here.

vishallovecode commented 2 years ago

There is some mistakes in our own code.

ch3tan03 commented 2 years ago

There is some mistakes in our own code.

can you please share your code? I'm also facing the same issue

vishallovecode commented 2 years ago

@ch3tan03 can you please share the code where you are implementing the logic for showing participant videos

ch3tan03 commented 2 years ago

@ch3tan03 can you please share the code where you are implementing the logic for showing participant videos

const _onParticipantAddedVideoTrack = ({ participant, track }) => { console.log("onParticipantAddedVideoTrack: ", participant, track);

  new Map([
      { participantSid: participant.sid, videoTrackSid: track.trackSid },


<View style={styles.remoteGrid}>
            {Array.from(videoTracks, ([trackSid, trackIdentifier]) => {
              console.log('1',trackSid, trackIdentifier)
              return (

In my case onParticipantAddedVideoTrack never gets called when a participant joins. sound is audible but no video

vishallovecode commented 2 years ago

@ch3tan03 Can you please share me the code where you are invoking _onParticipantAddedVideoTrack function. Also please share me the onParticipantAddedVideoTrack Functions implementation.

ch3tan03 commented 2 years ago

@lpuvishal PFA full twilio component

export const VideoContainer = (props) => { const isFocused = useIsFocused(); const [isAudioEnabled, setIsAudioEnabled] = useState(true); const [isVideoEnabled, setIsVideoEnabled] = useState(true); const [status, setStatus] = useState("disconnected"); const [participants, setParticipants] = useState(new Map()); const [videoTracks, setVideoTracks] = useState(new Map()); const [token, setToken] = useState(""); const [callActive, setCallActive] = useState(false); const twilioVideo = useRef(); const [currentContact, scurrentContact] = useState(props.route.params.currentContact) const [myData, smyData] = useState(props.route.params.myData) const [isAudioCall, sisAudioCall] = useState(false); const [outgoing, soutgoing] = useState(props.route.params.outgoing) const socket = useContext(SocketContext);

const handleInviteAccepted = useCallback((data) => {

switch (data.type) {
  case 'offer':

    console.log('offer', data);

  case 'answer':
    //    let _connect;
    //        _connect = async () => await _onConnectButtonPress(token)
    // _connect();
    _onConnectButtonPress(token === '' ? props.route.params.token : token)

    console.log('Answer', data, props.route.params.token);

  case 'reject':

    console.log('reject', data);


}, []);

useEffect(() => {


socket.emit('vcroom', myData.member_id);

if (outgoing) {

  socket.emit('vcRequests', {
    receiver: currentContact.to_id,
    sender: myData.to_id,
    senderData: myData,
    receiverData: currentContact,
    type: 'offer',

  InCallManager.start({ media: 'audio', ringback: '_DTMF_' });

socket.on("socketVCEvent", handleInviteAccepted);

LogBox.ignoreLogs(['Animated: `useNativeDriver`']);
BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress', backPress)

return () => {
  //  socket.removeAllListeners("socketVCEvent");"socketVCEvent");

}, [socket, myData]);

const backPress = () => true;

useEffect(() => { //const access_token = async () => await AsyncStorage.getItem('access_token');

//  return () => {
//   twilioVideo.current.disconnect();
// };
//let _connect;

if (props.route.params.token === 'no') {
  generate_twilio_access_token(props.route.params.access_token, props.route.params.currentContact.to_id).then(response => {

    //  _connect = async () => await _onConnectButtonPress(
    // _connect();

  }).catch(err => { let error = err; console.log(error) })

}, [isFocused]);

const _onConnectButtonPress = async (twilioToken) => { console.log(twilioToken, '112') if (twilioToken === "") return; setCallActive(true) if (Platform.OS === "android") { await _requestAudioPermission(); await _requestCameraPermission(); } console.log('52---->', props.route.params, twilioToken) try { twilioVideo?.current?.connect({ roomName: props.route.params.roomName, accessToken: twilioToken, dominantSpeakerEnabled: true, enableAudio: true, enableVideo: true, enableRemoteAudio: true, enableNetworkQualityReporting: true, maintainVideoTrackInBackground: true, enableH264Codec: false, // preferredAudioCodecs: ['isac'], // preferredVideoCodecs: ['V8', 'H264']

} catch (error) {


if (!outgoing) {
  socket.emit('vcRequests', {
    receiver: currentContact.to_id,
    sender: myData.to_id,
    type: 'answer',



const _onEndButtonPress = () => {

try {
catch(err) {}

socket.emit('vcRequests', {
  receiver: currentContact.to_id,
  sender: myData.to_id,
  type: 'reject',



const _onMuteButtonPress = () => { console.log(twilioVideo.current) twilioVideo.current .setLocalAudioEnabled(!isAudioEnabled) .then((isEnabled) => setIsAudioEnabled(isEnabled)); };

const _onVideoButtonPress = () => {

  .then((isEnabled) => setIsAudioEnabled(isEnabled));


const _onFlipButtonPress = () => { twilioVideo.current.flipCamera(); };

const _onRoomDidConnect = () => { console.log('63', 'connected') setStatus("connected"); };

const _onRoomDidDisconnect = ({ error }) => {



const _onRoomDidFailToConnect = (error) => { console.log("ERROR: ", error);



const _onParticipantAddedVideoTrack = ({ participant, track }) => { console.log("onParticipantAddedVideoTrack: ", participant, track);

  new Map([
      { participantSid: participant.sid, videoTrackSid: track.trackSid },


const _onParticipantRemovedVideoTrack = ({ participant, track }) => { console.log("onParticipantRemovedVideoTrack: ", participant, track);

const newVideoTracks = new Map(videoTracks);


}; const _onRoomParticipantDidConnect = ({ roomName, participant }) => { console.log("_onRoomParticipantDidConnect", roomName, participant); }; const _onLocalParticipantSupportedCodecs = ({ supportedCodecs }) => { console.log("_onRoomParticipantDidConnect", supportedCodecs); }; const _onNetworkLevelChanged = ({ participant, isLocalUser, quality }) => { console.log("Participant", participant, "isLocalUser", isLocalUser, "quality", quality); };

const _onDominantSpeakerDidChange = ({ roomName, roomSid, participant }) => { console.log("onDominantSpeakerDidChange", roomName: ${roomName}, roomSid: ${roomSid}, "participant:", participant); };

const _requestAudioPermission = () => { return PermissionsAndroid.request( PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.RECORD_AUDIO, { title: "Need permission to access microphone", message: "To run this demo we need permission to access your microphone", buttonNegative: "Cancel", buttonPositive: "OK", } ); };

const _requestCameraPermission = () => { return PermissionsAndroid.request(PermissionsAndroid.PERMISSIONS.CAMERA, { title: "Need permission to access camera", message: "To run this demo we need permission to access your camera", buttonNegative: "Cancel", buttonPositive: "OK", }); };

return (

{/* {status === "disconnected" && ( Are you sure you want to start video call? setToken(text)} > )} */} {(status === "connected" || status === "connecting") && ( {status === "connected" && ( {Array.from(videoTracks, ([trackSid, trackIdentifier]) => { console.log(videoTracks) console.log('1',trackSid, trackIdentifier) return ( ); })} )} )} {/* _onRoomDidConnect()} onRoomDidDisconnect={()=>_onRoomDidDisconnect()} onRoomDidFailToConnect={()=>_onRoomDidFailToConnect()} onParticipantAddedVideoTrack={()=>_onParticipantAddedVideoTrack()} onParticipantRemovedVideoTrack={()=>_onParticipantRemovedVideoTrack()} onNetworkQualityLevelsChanged={()=>_onNetworkLevelChanged()} onDominantSpeakerDidChange={()=>_onDominantSpeakerDidChange()} /> */}
  {!callActive && <View
      backgroundColor: '#ffe9e9',

      justifyContent: 'center',
      alignItems: 'center',
      height: deviceDimesions.Height,
      width: deviceDimesions.width,
      position: 'absolute',
      elevation: 1,
      zIndex: 10
    <ImageBackground source={ImagesPathVariable.heartbgoverlay} resizeMode="cover" style={{ width: deviceDimesions.width, height: deviceDimesions.Height, backgroundColor: '#ffe9e9' }}>

      <View pointerEvents="none" style={{ alignSelf: 'center', height: deviceDimesions.Height, marginTop: -deviceDimesions.Height * 0.3, width: deviceDimesions.width, justifyContent: 'center' }}>
        <PulseLoader borderColor="#ff751a"
          size={deviceDimesions.width * 0.5}
          avatar={BaseURL.DemoURL + currentContact.profile_pic}

      <View style={{ marginTop: -deviceDimesions.Height * 0.3, alignItems: "center" }}>

        <Text style={{ fontSize: 22, marginBottom: 10, marginTop: 15, textTransform: "capitalize", fontFamily: 'Nunito-ExtraBold', }}>

        <Text style={{ fontSize: 18, marginBottom: 20 }}>
          {isAudioCall ? 'Audio' : 'Video'}


        {!outgoing ? <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', zIndex: 1, marginVertical: 20 }}>

          <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => _onConnectButtonPress(token)} style={{ elevation: 3, backgroundColor: '#008000', height: 55, width: 55, alignItems: 'center', borderRadius: 40, marginLeft: 5, justifyContent: 'center', marginRight: 30 }}>
            <Icon size={25} name="phone" color='#ffffff' />
          <TouchableOpacity onPress={() => _onEndButtonPress} style={{ elevation: 3, backgroundColor: '#f94144', height: 55, width: 55, alignItems: 'center', borderRadius: 40, marginLeft: 5, justifyContent: 'center' }}>
            <Icon size={25} name="phone" color='#ffffff' style={{ transform: [{ rotate: '135deg' }] }} />

        </View> :
          <View style={{ flexDirection: 'row', zIndex: 1, marginVertical: 20 }}>

            <TouchableOpacity onPress={_onEndButtonPress} style={{ elevation: 3, backgroundColor: '#f94144', height: 55, width: 55, alignItems: 'center', borderRadius: 40, marginLeft: 5, justifyContent: 'center' }}>
              <Icon size={25} name="phone" color='#ffffff' style={{ transform: [{ rotate: '135deg' }] }} />




); };

vishallovecode commented 2 years ago
      <View style={styles.remoteGrid}>
        {Array.from(videoTracks, ([trackSid, trackIdentifier]) => {
          console.log('1',trackSid, trackIdentifier)
          return (

@ch3tan03 Are you getting trackSid ? above console.log code ?

ch3tan03 commented 2 years ago

onParticipantAddedVideoTrack never gets called when participants join. still, both users can hear each other but no video. whereas when I use ParticipantAddedDataTrack instead of onParticipantAddedVideoTrack I get full object { participant, track }.

vishallovecode commented 2 years ago

encodingParameters: { enableH264Codec: true, audioBitrate: 16, videoBitrate: 1200 } @ch3tan03 Please try using this above line instead of enableH264Codec: false Are you facing this issue in all OS?

ch3tan03 commented 2 years ago

tried your solution, still same. sound is audible but no video for both users. for now, I have just checked in android.

vishallovecode commented 2 years ago

this.refs.twilioVideo.connect({ roomName: this.state.roomName, accessToken: this.state.token, enableVideo: true, enableAudio: true, enableRemoteAudio: true, enableNetworkQualityReporting: true, encodingParameters: { enableH264Codec: true, audioBitrate: 16, videoBitrate: 1200 } }); @ch3tan03 Please try this. If this is not working we can connect separately .

ch3tan03 commented 2 years ago

thanks for the prompt reply. tried the above solution as well still the same only audio. in my case below methods never get called. onParticipantAddedVideoTrack={_onParticipantAddedVideoTrack} onParticipantRemovedVideoTrack={_onParticipantRemovedVideoTrack}

I tried replacing these with onParticipantAddedDataTrack, onParticipantRemoveDataTrack but t gives a black screen.

ch3tan03 commented 2 years ago

Can you confirm your react native version, & below details buildToolsVersion = "29.0.2" minSdkVersion = 21 compileSdkVersion = 29 targetSdkVersion = 29

vishallovecode commented 2 years ago

Hi @ch3tan03 Can we connect now ?

ch3tan03 commented 2 years ago

sure please connect I'm waiting in the meeting room.