Closed SmartLayer closed 2 years ago
Admittedly, this isn't a bad idea. However, I'm a bit worried about feature creep (and the associated added spaghetti in the already very Italian code). Showing it as part of the dropdown would be relatively easy. Showing it in the menu wouldn't look good and takes up valuable real estate.
What do you think?
What do you think?
Let me see if I can find well orchestrated data source for that. My thinking is that this project should focus on representing data, not collecting or ananlysing or calculating data. So if a data source already provide all these we should use it.
This coincide with my work. My day job is αWallet ( which is an opensource Ethereum wallet and I look out for data sources to help my opensource android/ios wallet users as well (e.g. notify them of the 50% drop of Ether price in the Black Thursday event).
I'm torn between @bluppfisk's idea and actually wanting the feature. I have a hard time remembering the price of yesterday for the multiple cryptos I own, so having a ratio/diff (such as +/-%) would be very interesting. I could even use that entirely and leave out the actual value, as it's the actual thing that's interesting to me (how much I made or that I lost)
A good way to not let feature creep affect a codebase is to have a well-defined milestone with clear "to dos" and "to not do". It's up to the creator/maintainer to tell us yes or no!
Dependency on another data source is something I'm not looking to implement at the moment, but I'll review suggestions and PR's if there are any :) At the moment I'm too busy with my FTJ to make my own.
closing due to inactivity
Would be great to show additional data points such as +4.5% (last 24 hour)